
What is the topology service? How does it work?

The Topology Service is a set of backend processes. This service is exposed to all Vitess components. It delivers a key/value service that is highly available and consistent, while being offset by having higher latency cost and very low throughput. The ...more

What Topology servers can I use with Vitess?

Vitess uses a plugin implementation to support multiple backend technologies for the Topology Service. The servers currently supported are as follows: etcd ZooKeeper The Topology Service interfaces are defined in our code in go/vt/topo/, specific ...more

How do I choose which topology server to use?

The first question to consider is: do you use one already or are you required to use a specific one? If the answer to that question is yes, then you should likely implement that rather than adding a new server to run Vitess. However, in large ...more

How do I implement etcd (etcd2)?

If you want to implement etcd we recommend following the steps on Vitess’ documentation here. ...more

How do I implement Zookeeper zk2?

If you want to implement zk2 we recommend following the steps on Vitess’ documentation here. ...more

How do I migrate between implementations?

We provide the topo2topo utility to migrate between one implementation and another of the topology service. This process is explained in Vitess’ documentation here. If your migration is more complex, or has special requirements, we also support a ‘tee’ ...more