
How can I monitor or get metrics from Vitess? #

All Vitess components have a web UI that you can access to see the state of each component.

The first place to look is the /debug/status page.

  • This is the main landing page for a VTGate, which displays the status of a particular server. A list of tablets this VTGate process is connected to is also displayed, as this is the list of tablets that can potentially serve queries.

A second place to look is the /debug/vars page. For example, for VTGate, this page contains the following items:

  • VTGateApi - This is the main histogram variable to track for VTGates. It gives you a breakdown of all queries by command, keyspace, and type.
  • HealthcheckConnections - It shows the number of tablet connections for query/healthcheck per keyspace, shard, and tablet type.

There are two other pages you can use to get monitoring information from Vitess in the VTGate web UI:

  • /debug/query_plans - This URL gives you all the query plans for queries going through VTGate.
  • /debug/vschema - This URL shows the VSchema as loaded by VTGate.

VTTablet has a similar web UI.

Vitess component metrics can also be scraped via /metrics. This will provide a Prometheus-format metric dump that is updated continuously. This is the recommended way to collect metrics from Vitess.

How do you integrate Prometheus and Vitess? #

There is an Prometheus exporter that is on by default that enables you to configure a Prometheus compatible scraper to grab data from the various Vitess components. All Vitess components export their metrics on their http port at /metrics.

If your Vitess configuration includes running the Vitess Operator on Kubernetes, then you can have Prometheus or a Prometheus compatible agent running in your Kubernetes cluster. This would then scrape the metrics from Vitess automatically, as it would be run on the ports advertised and on our standard /metrics page.

You can read more about getting the metrics into Prometheus here.