How do you use gRPC with VTGate?
To do this you will need to use the Vitess MySQL Go client. We have a Golang compatible gRPC driver and a Java driver.
Once you have the appropriate driver you will need to add the --service_map grpc-vtgateservice
VTGate flag and set the port --grpc_port
This runs on a standard gRPC interface, so if you want to directly use it you can follow the example below:
#!/usr/bin/env node
import Debug from "debug";
import * as grpc from "grpc";
import {CallerID} from './proto/vitess/vtrpc_pb';
import {BoundQuery} from './proto/vitess/query_pb';
import {Session,ExecuteRequest,ExecuteResponse} from './proto/vitess/vtgate_pb';
import {VitessClient} from './proto/vitess/vtgateservice_grpc_pb';
const log = Debug("VtgateClient");
const client = new VitessClient("",grpc.credentials.createInsecure());
const SingleQuery = async () => {
return new Promise((resolve,reject) => {
const caller = new CallerID();
const session = new Session();
const query = new BoundQuery();
query.setSql("SELECT * from main.sbtest1 where id=10");
const request = new ExecuteRequest()
client.execute(request, (err: grpc.ServiceError | null, response: ExecuteResponse ) => {
if( err != null ){
console.log(`[SingleQuery] Error: ${err.message}`)
reject(err); return;
console.log(`[SingleQuery] Response: ${JSON.stringify(response.toObject())}`)
async function main() {
console.log(`[main] Starting`);
await SingleQuery();
main().then((_) => _);