Edit this pageDocumentationArchivesv19.0 (Stable)ReferenceReferenceDetailed information about specific Vitess functionality Documentation Documentationv22.0 (Development) Overview Get Started Concepts User Guides Reference v21.0 (Stable) Overview Get Started Concepts User Guides Reference v20.0 (Stable) Overview Get Started Concepts User Guides Reference Learning Resources Contribute Build on macOS PR Naming Conventions Build on Ubuntu/Debian Build on CentOS GitHub Workflow Coding Standards Sample First Issue Parser and AST Troubleshoot Elevated query latency on primary Primary starts up read-only Vitess sees the wrong tablet as primary FAQ Getting Started Migrating Operating Vitess Troubleshooting Sharding Advanced Configuration Releases Release Cycle Release Team Release Notes Roadmap Design Docs Query Serving Online DDL VReplication VTTablet Miscellaneous Archives Older Version Docs v19.0 (Stable) v18.0 (EOL) v17.0 (Archived) v16.0 (Archived) v15.0 (Archived) v14.0 (Archived) v13.0 (Archived) v12.0 (Archived) v11.0 (Archived)FeaturesReference documents for Vitess featuresShardingSequencesVTGate BufferingMonitoringMySQL Query Language ExtensionsReplicationSHOW extensionsVSchemaVindexesTwo-Phase CommitMore...Query ServingQuery Serving related reference docsReserved ConnectionsReplica TransactionsLocking functionsVReplicationVReplication vtctl commandsOverviewMoveTablesReshardMaterializeVDiffWorkflowLookupVindexVStreamVTTablet FlagsMetricsMore...ProgramsReference documents for list of Vitess programsmysqlctlmysqlctldtopo2topovtaclcheckvtadminvtadmin-webvtbackupvtclientvtcombovtctlMore...CompatibilityReference documents for MySQL compatibility with VitessMySQL CompatibilityErrorsDetailed information about errors that the user might run intoQuery ServingVTAdminvtctld API TransitionArchitectureCluster DiscoveryOperator's GuideRole-Based Access ControlRunning with Vitess Operatorvtctldclient TransitionReference material for transitioning from vtctlclient to vtctldclientOverviewLegacy ShimCommand DiffVTOrcArchitectureRunning with Vitess OperatorUI, API and MetricsBackup and RestoreBackup and Restore ReferenceMetricsViperOverviewFramework BasicsDynamic ValuesConfig Files