
The Vitess Admin GUI

vtctld is a webserver interface to administer a Vitess cluster. It is usually the first Vitess component to be started after a valid global topology service has been created.

Example Usage #

The following example launches the vtctld daemon on port 15000:

export TOPOLOGY_FLAGS="-topo_implementation etcd2 -topo_global_server_address localhost:2379 -topo_global_root /vitess/global"
export VTDATAROOT="/tmp"

vtctld \
 -workflow_manager_init \
 -workflow_manager_use_election \
 -service_map 'grpc-vtctl' \
 -backup_storage_implementation file \
 -file_backup_storage_root $VTDATAROOT/backups \
 -log_dir $VTDATAROOT/tmp \
 -port 15000 \
 -grpc_port 15999

Options #

-action_timeoutdurationTime to wait for an action before resorting to force (default 2m0s)
-alsologtostderrbooleanLog to standard error as well as files
-app_idle_timeoutdurationIdle timeout for app connections (default 1m0s)
-app_pool_sizeintSize of the connection pool for app connections (default 40)
-azblob_backup_account_key_filestringPath to a file containing the Azure Storage account key; if this flag is unset, the environment variable VT_AZBLOB_ACCOUNT_KEY will be used as the key itself (NOT a file path)
-azblob_backup_account_namestringAzure Storage Account name for backups; if this flag is unset, the environment variable VT_AZBLOB_ACCOUNT_NAME will be used
-azblob_backup_container_namestringAzure Blob Container Name
-azblob_backup_parallelismintAzure Blob operation parallelism (requires extra memory when increased) (default 1)
-azblob_backup_storage_rootstringRoot prefix for all backup-related Azure Blobs; this should exclude both initial and trailing '/' (e.g. just 'a/b' not '/a/b/')
-backup_engine_implementationstringSpecifies which implementation to use for creating new backups (builtin or xtrabackup). Restores will always be done with whichever engine created a given backup. (default "builtin")
-backup_storage_block_sizeintIf backup_storage_compress is true, backup_storage_block_size sets the byte size for each block while compressing (default is 250000)
-backup_storage_compressbooleanIf set, the backup files will be compressed. Set to false for instance if a backup_storage_hook is specified and it compresses the data (default true)
-backup_storage_hookstringIf set, we send the contents of the backup files through this hook
-backup_storage_implementationstringWhich implementation to use for the backup storage feature
-backup_storage_number_blocksintIf backup_storage_compress is true, backup_storage_number_blocks sets the number of blocks that can be processed at once, before the writer blocks, during compression. It should be equal to the number of CPUs available for compression (default 2)
-binlog_use_v3_resharding_modebooleanTrue if the binlog streamer should use V3-style sharding, which doesn't require a preset sharding key column (default true)
-builtinbackup_mysqld_timeoutdurationHow long to wait for mysqld to shutdown at the start of the backup (default 10m0s)
-builtinbackup_progressdurationHow often to send progress updates when backing up large files (default 5s)
-catch-sigpipebooleanCatch and ignore SIGPIPE on stdout and stderr if specified
-cellstringCell to use
-ceph_backup_storage_configstringPath to JSON config file for ceph backup storage (default "ceph_backup_config.json")
-consul_auth_static_filestringJSON File to read the topos/tokens from
-cpu_profilestringDeprecated: use '-pprof=cpu' instead
-datadog-agent-hoststringHost to send spans to; if empty, no tracing will be done
-datadog-agent-portstringPort to send spans to; if empty, no tracing will be done
-disable_active_reparentsbooleanIf set, do not allow active reparents. Use this to protect a cluster using external reparents
-durability_policystringType of durability to enforce. Other values are dictated by registered plugins (default "none")
-emit_statsbooleanIf set, emit stats to push-based monitoring and stats backends
-enable_realtime_statsbooleanRequired for the Realtime Stats view. If set, vtctld will maintain a streaming RPC to each tablet (in all cells) to gather the realtime health stats
-enable_replication_reporterbooleanUse polling to track replication lag
-file_backup_storage_rootstringRoot directory for the file backup storage
-gcs_backup_storage_bucketstringGoogle Cloud Storage bucket to use for backups
-gcs_backup_storage_rootstringRoot prefix for all backup-related object names
-grpc_auth_modestringWhich auth plugin implementation to use (eg: static)
-grpc_auth_mtls_allowed_substringsstringList of substrings of at least one of the client certificate names (separated by colon)
-grpc_auth_static_client_credsstringWhen using grpc_static_auth in the server, this file provides the credentials to use to authenticate with the server
-grpc_auth_static_password_filestringJSON File to read the users/passwords from
-grpc_castringServer CA to use for gRPC connections, requires TLS, and enforces client certificate check
-grpc_certstringServer certificate to use for gRPC connections, requires grpc_key, enables TLS
-grpc_compressionstringWhich protocol to use for compressing gRPC. Supported: snappy (default: nothing)
-grpc_crlstringPath to a certificate revocation list in PEM format, client certificates will be further verified against this file during TLS handshake
-grpc_enable_optional_tlsbooleanEnable optional TLS mode when a server accepts both TLS and plain-text connections on the same port
-grpc_enable_tracingbooleanEnable GRPC tracing
-grpc_initial_conn_window_sizeintgRPC initial connection window size
-grpc_initial_window_sizeintgRPC initial window size
-grpc_keepalive_timedurationAfter a duration of this time, if the client doesn't see any activity, it pings the server to see if the transport is still alive (default 10s)
-grpc_keepalive_timeoutdurationAfter having pinged for keepalive check, the client waits for a duration of Timeout and if no activity is seen even after that, the connection is closed (default 10s)
-grpc_keystringServer private key to use for gRPC connections, requires grpc_cert, enables TLS
-grpc_max_connection_agedurationMaximum age of a client connection before GoAway is sent (default 2562047h47m16.854775807s)
-grpc_max_connection_age_gracedurationAdditional grace period after grpc_max_connection_age, after which connections are forcibly closed (default 2562047h47m16.854775807s)
-grpc_max_message_sizeintMaximum allowed RPC message size. Larger messages will be rejected by gRPC with the error 'exceeding the max size' (default 16777216)
-grpc_portintPort to listen on for gRPC calls
-grpc_prometheusbooleanEnable gRPC monitoring with Prometheus
-grpc_server_castringPath to server CA in PEM format, which will be combine with server cert, return full certificate chain to clients
-grpc_server_initial_conn_window_sizeintgRPC server initial connection window size
-grpc_server_initial_window_sizeintgRPC server initial window size
-grpc_server_keepalive_enforcement_policy_min_timedurationgRPC server minimum keepalive time (default 10s)
-grpc_server_keepalive_enforcement_policy_permit_without_streambooleangRPC server permit client keepalive pings even when there are no active streams (RPCs)
-jaeger-agent-hoststringHost and port to send spans to; if empty, no tracing will be done
-keep_logsdurationKeep logs for this long (using ctime) (zero to keep forever)
-keep_logs_by_mtimedurationKeep logs for this long (using mtime) (zero to keep forever)
-lameduck-perioddurationKeep running at least this long after SIGTERM before stopping (default 50ms)
-log_backtrace_atvalueWhen logging hits line file:N, emit a stack trace
-log_dirstringIf non-empty, write log files in this directory
-log_err_stacksbooleanLog stack traces for errors
-log_rotate_max_sizeuintSize in bytes at which logs are rotated (glog.MaxSize) (default 1887436800)
-logtostderrbooleanLog to standard error instead of files
-master_connect_retrydurationDeprecated, use -replication_connect_retry (default 10s)
-mem-profile-rateintDeprecated: use '-pprof=mem' instead (default 524288)
-mutex-profile-fractionintDeprecated: use '-pprof=mutex' instead
-onclose_timeoutdurationWait no more than this for OnClose handlers before stopping (default 1ns)
-online_ddl_check_intervaldurationInterval polling for new online DDL requests (default 1m0s)
-onterm_timeoutdurationWait no more than this for OnTermSync handlers before stopping (default 10s)
-opentsdb_uristringURI of opentsdb /api/put method
-pid_filestringIf set, the process will write its pid to the named file, and delete it on graceful shutdown
-pool_hostname_resolve_intervaldurationIf set force an update to all hostnames and reconnect if changed, defaults to 0 (disabled)
-portintPort for the server
-pprofstringEnable profiling
-proxy_tabletsbooleanSetting this true will make vtctld proxy the tablet status instead of redirecting to them
-purge_logs_intervaldurationHow often to try to remove old logs (default 1h0m0s)
-relay_log_max_itemsintMaximum number of rows for VReplication target buffering (default 5000)
-relay_log_max_sizeintMaximum buffer size (in bytes) for VReplication target buffering. If single rows are larger than this, a single row is buffered at a time (default 250000)
-remote_operation_timeoutdurationTime to wait for a remote operation (default 30s)
-replication_connect_retrydurationHow long to wait in between replica reconnect attempts. Only precise to the second (default 10s)
-s3_backup_aws_endpointstringEndpoint of the S3 backend (region must be provided)
-s3_backup_aws_regionstringAWS region to use (default "us-east-1")
-s3_backup_aws_retriesintAWS request retries (default -1)
-s3_backup_force_path_stylebooleanForce the S3 path style
-s3_backup_log_levelstringDetermine the S3 loglevel to use from LogOff, LogDebug, LogDebugWithSigning, LogDebugWithHTTPBody, LogDebugWithRequestRetries, LogDebugWithRequestErrors (default "LogOff")
-s3_backup_server_side_encryptionstringServer-side encryption algorithm (e.g., AES256, aws:kms, sse_c:/path/to/key/file)
-s3_backup_storage_bucketstringS3 bucket to use for backups
-s3_backup_storage_rootstringRoot prefix for all backup-related object names
-s3_backup_tls_skip_verify_certbooleanSkip the 'certificate is valid' check for SSL connections
-security_policystringThe name of a registered security policy to use for controlling access to URLs - empty means allow all for anyone (built-in policies: deny-all, read-only)
-service_mapvalueComma separated list of services to enable (or disable if prefixed with '-') Example: grpc-vtworker
-serving_state_grace_perioddurationhow long to pause after broadcasting health to vtgate, before enforcing a new serving state
-shutdown_grace_periodfloathow long to wait (in seconds) for queries and transactions to complete during graceful shutdown.
-stats_backendstringThe name of the registered push-based monitoring/stats backend to use
-stats_combine_dimensionsstringList of dimensions to be combined into a single "all" value in exported stats vars
-stats_common_tagsstringComma-separated list of common tags for the stats backend. It provides both label and values. Example: label1:value1,label2:value2
-stats_drop_variablesstringVariables to be dropped from the list of exported variables
-stats_emit_perioddurationInterval between emitting stats to all registered backends (default 1m0s)
-stderrthresholdvalueLogs at or above this threshold go to stderr (default 1)
-tracerstringTracing service to use (default "noop")
-tracing-enable-loggingbooleanWhether to enable logging in the tracing service
-tracing-sampling-ratevalueSampling rate for the probabilistic jaeger sampler (default 0.1)
-tracing-sampling-typevalueSampling strategy to use for jaeger. Possible values are 'const', 'probabilistic', 'rateLimiting', or 'remote' (default const)
-vvalueLog level for V logs
-versionbooleanPrint binary version
-vmodulevalueComma-separated list of pattern=N settings for file-filtered logging
-vreplication_copy_phase_durationdurationDuration for each copy phase loop before running the next catchup (default 1h0m0s)
-vreplication_experimental_flagsint(Bitmask) of experimental features in vreplication to enable (default 1)
-vreplication_healthcheck_retry_delaydurationhealthcheck retry delay (default 5s)
-vreplication_healthcheck_timeoutdurationhealthcheck retry delay (default 1m0s)
-vreplication_healthcheck_topology_refreshdurationRefresh interval for re-reading the topology (default 30s)
-vreplication_heartbeat_update_intervalintFrequency (in seconds, max 60) at which the time_updated column of a vreplication stream when idling (default 1)
-vreplication_replica_lag_tolerancedurationReplica lag threshold duration: once lag is below this we switch from copy phase to the replication (streaming) phase (default 1m0s)
-vreplication_retry_delaydurationDelay before retrying a failed binlog connection (default 5s)
-vreplication_store_compressed_gtidbooleanStore compressed gtids in the pos column of _vt.vreplication
-vreplication_tablet_typestringComma separated list of tablet types used as a source (default "PRIMARY,REPLICA")
-vstream_dynamic_packet_sizebooleanEnable dynamic packet sizing for VReplication. This will adjust the packet size during replication to improve performance (default true)
-vstream_packet_sizeintSuggested packet size for VReplication streamer. This is used only as a recommendation. The actual packet size may be more or less than this amount (default 250000)
-vtctl_client_protocolstringThe protocol to use to talk to the vtctl server (default "grpc")
-vtctl_healthcheck_retry_delaydurationDelay before retrying a failed healthcheck (default 5s)
-vtctl_healthcheck_timeoutdurationThe health check timeout period (default 1m0s)
-vtctl_healthcheck_topology_refreshdurationRefresh interval for re-reading the topology (default 30s)
-vtctld_show_topology_crudbooleanControls the display of the CRUD topology actions in the vtctld UI (default true)
-vtworker_client_grpc_castringThe server CA to use to validate servers when connecting
-vtworker_client_grpc_certstringThe cert to use to connect
-vtworker_client_grpc_crlstringThe server crl to use to validate server certificates when connecting
-vtworker_client_grpc_keystringThe key to use to connect
-vtworker_client_grpc_server_namestringThe server name to use to validate server certificate
-vtworker_client_protocolstringThe protocol to use to talk to the vtworker server (default "grpc")
-wait_for_drain_sleep_rdonlydurationTime to wait before shutting the query service on old RDONLY tablets during MigrateServedTypes (default 5s)
-wait_for_drain_sleep_replicadurationTime to wait before shutting the query service on old REPLICA tablets during MigrateServedTypes (default 15s)
-watch_replication_streambooleanWhen enabled, vttablet will stream the MySQL replication stream from the local server, and use it to update schema when it sees a DDL
-web_dirstringNOT USED, here for backward compatibility
-web_dir2stringNOT USED, here for backward compatibility
-workflow_manager_disablevalueComma separated list of workflow types to disable
-workflow_manager_initbooleanInitialize the workflow manager in this vtctld instance
-workflow_manager_use_electionbooleanIf specified, will use a topology server-based master election to ensure only one workflow manager is active at a time
-xbstream_restore_flagsstringFlags to pass to xbstream command during restore. These should be space separated and will be added to the end of the command. These need to match the ones used for backup e.g. --compress / --decompress, --encrypt / --decrypt
-xtrabackup_backup_flagsstringFlags to pass to backup command. These should be space separated and will be added to the end of the command
-xtrabackup_prepare_flagsstringFlags to pass to prepare command. These should be space separated and will be added to the end of the command
-xtrabackup_root_pathstringDirectory location of the xtrabackup and xbstream executables, e.g., /usr/bin
-xtrabackup_stream_modestringWhich mode to use if streaming, valid values are tar and xbstream (default "tar")
-xtrabackup_stripe_block_sizeuintSize in bytes of each block that gets sent to a given stripe before rotating to the next stripe (default 102400)
-xtrabackup_stripesuintIf greater than 0, use data striping across this many destination files to parallelize data transfer and decompression
-xtrabackup_userstringUser that xtrabackup will use to connect to the database server. This user must have all necessary privileges. For details, please refer to xtrabackup documentation