Backups and Restore for Local Environment

This guide follows on from the Get Started guides. Please make sure that you have a local installation ready. It also assumes that the MoveTables and Resharding user guides have been followed (which take you through steps 101 to 306).

This guide is specifically useful for users running Vitess in a local environment. If you are running Vitess on K8S, consider following similar steps with the necessary K8S-specific configurations, or follow the K8S guide on how to schedule backups.

Backups #

If you are not already familiar with how backups work in Vitess we suggest you familiarize yourself with them first.

Backing Up and Restoring #

Taking a Backup #

In this section, we will explain how to backup the customer keyspace and its shards. The backups will be stored locally on your machine. You can decide to store the backup files on any of the supported storage services too.

Run the script:


This will start the backup process for the customer keyspace and all its shards. When you run the script, the following output can be expected:

Ensuring keyspace customer exists and shards are healthy...
Backing up shard -80 in keyspace customer...
customer/-80 (zone1-0000000300): time:{seconds:1728639914 nanoseconds:403262115} file:"backup.go" line:152 value:"Starting backup 2024-10-11.094514.zone1-0000000300"
Backup succeeded for shard -80.
customer/80- (zone1-0000000401): time:{seconds:1728639980 nanoseconds:482699704} file:"backup.go" line:152 value:"Starting backup 2024-10-11.094620.zone1-0000000401"
Backing up shard 80- in keyspace customer...
Backup succeeded for shard 80-.
Backup process completed successfully for all shards in customer.

Listing Backups #

Let's now list the backups we have created by running the following script. Each backup will labeled according to the keyspace and shard it belongs to.


When you run the script, the following output can be expected:

Listing available backups for keyspace customer and shard -80...
Listing available backups for keyspace customer and shard 80-...
Backup listing process completed.

Since this is a local environment, the backups will be stored directly on your machine, and you can view them in the specified backup directory using this command:

~$ ls -lR $VTDATAROOT/backups

You will be able to find the customer keyspace folder, and each shard (-80, 80-) subfolder too, in which the numbered backup files are located.

Restore From Backup #

To restore your backups for the customer keyspace and its shards, you can use the provided script to easily initiate the restoration process. The backups will be restored from the local machine where they were saved.

Run the script to initiate the restoration process:


When you run the restore script, the following output can be expected:

Finding replica tablets for shard -80...
Restoring tablet zone1-0000000300 from backup for shard -80...
customer/-80 (zone1-0000000300): time:{seconds:1728641586 nanoseconds:564470645} file:"restore.go" line:250 value:"Restore: original tablet type=REPLICA"
Finding replica tablets for shard 80-...
Restoring tablet zone1-0000000401 from backup for shard 80-...
customer/80- (zone1-0000000401): time:{seconds:1728641929 nanoseconds:165948068} file:"restore.go" line:250 value:"Restore: original tablet type=REPLICA"
Restore process completed successfully for customer.

Clean Up #

Congratulations! You have successfully completed the backup and restore process for your local Vitess environment.

To clean up your Vitess environment, use the script for a comprehensive cleanup.

This script ensures that the full cluster is cleaned up, removing any associated resources. To execute the teardown:


If needed, use the vtctldclient command to remove specific backups, but this is generally not required if you are running the teardown script.