vtcombo #
vtcombo is a single binary containing several vitess components.
Synopsis #
vtcombo is a single binary containing several vitess components.
In particular, it contains:
- A topology server based on an in-memory map.
- One vtgate instance.
- Many vttablet instances.
- A vtctld instance so it's easy to see the topology.
vtcombo [flags]
Options #
--action_timeout duration time to wait for an action before resorting to force (default 1m0s)
--allow-kill-statement Allows the execution of kill statement
--allowed_tablet_types strings Specifies the tablet types this vtgate is allowed to route queries to. Should be provided as a comma-separated set of tablet types.
--alsologtostderr log to standard error as well as files
--app_idle_timeout duration Idle timeout for app connections (default 1m0s)
--app_pool_size int Size of the connection pool for app connections (default 40)
--backup_engine_implementation string Specifies which implementation to use for creating new backups (builtin or xtrabackup). Restores will always be done with whichever engine created a given backup. (default "builtin")
--backup_storage_block_size int if backup_storage_compress is true, backup_storage_block_size sets the byte size for each block while compressing (default is 250000). (default 250000)
--backup_storage_compress if set, the backup files will be compressed. (default true)
--backup_storage_number_blocks int if backup_storage_compress is true, backup_storage_number_blocks sets the number of blocks that can be processed, in parallel, before the writer blocks, during compression (default is 2). It should be equal to the number of CPUs available for compression. (default 2)
--bind-address string Bind address for the server. If empty, the server will listen on all available unicast and anycast IP addresses of the local system.
--binlog-in-memory-decompressor-max-size uint This value sets the uncompressed transaction payload size at which we switch from in-memory buffer based decompression to the slower streaming mode. (default 134217728)
--binlog_player_protocol string the protocol to download binlogs from a vttablet (default "grpc")
--buffer_drain_concurrency int Maximum number of requests retried simultaneously. More concurrency will increase the load on the PRIMARY vttablet when draining the buffer. (default 1)
--buffer_keyspace_shards string If not empty, limit buffering to these entries (comma separated). Entry format: keyspace or keyspace/shard. Requires --enable_buffer=true.
--buffer_max_failover_duration duration Stop buffering completely if a failover takes longer than this duration. (default 20s)
--buffer_min_time_between_failovers duration Minimum time between the end of a failover and the start of the next one (tracked per shard). Faster consecutive failovers will not trigger buffering. (default 1m0s)
--buffer_size int Maximum number of buffered requests in flight (across all ongoing failovers). (default 1000)
--buffer_window duration Duration for how long a request should be buffered at most. (default 10s)
--builtinbackup-file-read-buffer-size uint read files using an IO buffer of this many bytes. Golang defaults are used when set to 0.
--builtinbackup-file-write-buffer-size uint write files using an IO buffer of this many bytes. Golang defaults are used when set to 0. (default 2097152)
--builtinbackup-incremental-restore-path string the directory where incremental restore files, namely binlog files, are extracted to. In k8s environments, this should be set to a directory that is shared between the vttablet and mysqld pods. The path should exist. When empty, the default OS temp dir is assumed.
--builtinbackup_mysqld_timeout duration how long to wait for mysqld to shutdown at the start of the backup. (default 10m0s)
--builtinbackup_progress duration how often to send progress updates when backing up large files. (default 5s)
--catch-sigpipe catch and ignore SIGPIPE on stdout and stderr if specified
--cell string cell to use
--compression-engine-name string compressor engine used for compression. (default "pargzip")
--compression-level int what level to pass to the compressor. (default 1)
--config-file string Full path of the config file (with extension) to use. If set, --config-path, --config-type, and --config-name are ignored.
--config-file-not-found-handling ConfigFileNotFoundHandling Behavior when a config file is not found. (Options: error, exit, ignore, warn) (default warn)
--config-name string Name of the config file (without extension) to search for. (default "vtconfig")
--config-path strings Paths to search for config files in. (default [<WORKDIR>])
--config-persistence-min-interval duration minimum interval between persisting dynamic config changes back to disk (if no change has occurred, nothing is done). (default 1s)
--config-type string Config file type (omit to infer config type from file extension).
--consolidator-query-waiter-cap int Configure the maximum number of clients allowed to wait on the consolidator.
--consolidator-stream-query-size int Configure the stream consolidator query size in bytes. Setting to 0 disables the stream consolidator. (default 2097152)
--consolidator-stream-total-size int Configure the stream consolidator total size in bytes. Setting to 0 disables the stream consolidator. (default 134217728)
--consul_auth_static_file string JSON File to read the topos/tokens from.
--datadog-agent-host string host to send spans to. if empty, no tracing will be done
--datadog-agent-port string port to send spans to. if empty, no tracing will be done
--db-credentials-file string db credentials file; send SIGHUP to reload this file
--db-credentials-server string db credentials server type ('file' - file implementation; 'vault' - HashiCorp Vault implementation) (default "file")
--db-credentials-vault-addr string URL to Vault server
--db-credentials-vault-path string Vault path to credentials JSON blob, e.g.: secret/data/prod/dbcreds
--db-credentials-vault-role-mountpoint string Vault AppRole mountpoint; can also be passed using VAULT_MOUNTPOINT environment variable (default "approle")
--db-credentials-vault-role-secretidfile string Path to file containing Vault AppRole secret_id; can also be passed using VAULT_SECRETID environment variable
--db-credentials-vault-roleid string Vault AppRole id; can also be passed using VAULT_ROLEID environment variable
--db-credentials-vault-timeout duration Timeout for vault API operations (default 10s)
--db-credentials-vault-tls-ca string Path to CA PEM for validating Vault server certificate
--db-credentials-vault-tokenfile string Path to file containing Vault auth token; token can also be passed using VAULT_TOKEN environment variable
--db-credentials-vault-ttl duration How long to cache DB credentials from the Vault server (default 30m0s)
--db_allprivs_password string db allprivs password
--db_allprivs_use_ssl Set this flag to false to make the allprivs connection to not use ssl (default true)
--db_allprivs_user string db allprivs user userKey (default "vt_allprivs")
--db_app_password string db app password
--db_app_use_ssl Set this flag to false to make the app connection to not use ssl (default true)
--db_app_user string db app user userKey (default "vt_app")
--db_appdebug_password string db appdebug password
--db_appdebug_use_ssl Set this flag to false to make the appdebug connection to not use ssl (default true)
--db_appdebug_user string db appdebug user userKey (default "vt_appdebug")
--db_charset string Character set/collation used for this tablet. Make sure to configure this to a charset/collation supported by the lowest MySQL version in your environment. (default "utf8mb4")
--db_conn_query_info enable parsing and processing of QUERY_OK info fields
--db_connect_timeout_ms int connection timeout to mysqld in milliseconds (0 for no timeout)
--db_dba_password string db dba password
--db_dba_use_ssl Set this flag to false to make the dba connection to not use ssl (default true)
--db_dba_user string db dba user userKey (default "vt_dba")
--db_erepl_password string db erepl password
--db_erepl_use_ssl Set this flag to false to make the erepl connection to not use ssl (default true)
--db_erepl_user string db erepl user userKey (default "vt_erepl")
--db_filtered_password string db filtered password
--db_filtered_use_ssl Set this flag to false to make the filtered connection to not use ssl (default true)
--db_filtered_user string db filtered user userKey (default "vt_filtered")
--db_flags uint Flag values as defined by MySQL.
--db_flavor string Flavor overrid. Valid value is FilePos.
--db_host string The host name for the tcp connection.
--db_port int tcp port
--db_repl_password string db repl password
--db_repl_use_ssl Set this flag to false to make the repl connection to not use ssl (default true)
--db_repl_user string db repl user userKey (default "vt_repl")
--db_server_name string server name of the DB we are connecting to.
--db_socket string The unix socket to connect on. If this is specified, host and port will not be used.
--db_ssl_ca string connection ssl ca
--db_ssl_ca_path string connection ssl ca path
--db_ssl_cert string connection ssl certificate
--db_ssl_key string connection ssl key
--db_ssl_mode SslMode SSL mode to connect with. One of disabled, preferred, required, verify_ca & verify_identity.
--db_tls_min_version string Configures the minimal TLS version negotiated when SSL is enabled. Defaults to TLSv1.2. Options: TLSv1.0, TLSv1.1, TLSv1.2, TLSv1.3.
--dba_idle_timeout duration Idle timeout for dba connections (default 1m0s)
--dba_pool_size int Size of the connection pool for dba connections (default 20)
--dbddl_plugin string controls how to handle CREATE/DROP DATABASE. use it if you are using your own database provisioning service (default "fail")
--ddl_strategy string Set default strategy for DDL statements. Override with @@ddl_strategy session variable (default "direct")
--default_tablet_type topodatapb.TabletType The default tablet type to set for queries, when one is not explicitly selected. (default PRIMARY)
--degraded_threshold duration replication lag after which a replica is considered degraded (default 30s)
--disk-write-dir string if provided, tablet will attempt to write a file to this directory to check if the disk is stalled
--disk-write-interval duration how often to write to the disk to check whether it is stalled (default 5s)
--disk-write-timeout duration if writes exceed this duration, the disk is considered stalled (default 30s)
--emit_stats If set, emit stats to push-based monitoring and stats backends
--enable-consolidator Synonym to -enable_consolidator (default true)
--enable-consolidator-replicas Synonym to -enable_consolidator_replicas
--enable-partial-keyspace-migration (Experimental) Follow shard routing rules: enable only while migrating a keyspace shard by shard. See documentation on Partial MoveTables for more. (default false)
--enable-per-workload-table-metrics If true, query counts and query error metrics include a label that identifies the workload
--enable-tx-throttler Synonym to -enable_tx_throttler
--enable-views Enable views support in vtgate. (default true)
--enable_buffer Enable buffering (stalling) of primary traffic during failovers.
--enable_buffer_dry_run Detect and log failover events, but do not actually buffer requests.
--enable_consolidator This option enables the query consolidator. (default true)
--enable_consolidator_replicas This option enables the query consolidator only on replicas.
--enable_direct_ddl Allow users to submit direct DDL statements (default true)
--enable_hot_row_protection If true, incoming transactions for the same row (range) will be queued and cannot consume all txpool slots.
--enable_hot_row_protection_dry_run If true, hot row protection is not enforced but logs if transactions would have been queued.
--enable_online_ddl Allow users to submit, review and control Online DDL (default true)
--enable_replication_reporter Use polling to track replication lag.
--enable_set_var This will enable the use of MySQL's SET_VAR query hint for certain system variables instead of using reserved connections (default true)
--enable_system_settings This will enable the system settings to be changed per session at the database connection level (default true)
--enable_transaction_limit If true, limit on number of transactions open at the same time will be enforced for all users. User trying to open a new transaction after exhausting their limit will receive an error immediately, regardless of whether there are available slots or not.
--enable_transaction_limit_dry_run If true, limit on number of transactions open at the same time will be tracked for all users, but not enforced.
--enable_tx_throttler If true replication-lag-based throttling on transactions will be enabled.
--enforce_strict_trans_tables If true, vttablet requires MySQL to run with STRICT_TRANS_TABLES or STRICT_ALL_TABLES on. It is recommended to not turn this flag off. Otherwise MySQL may alter your supplied values before saving them to the database. (default true)
--external-compressor string command with arguments to use when compressing a backup.
--external-compressor-extension string extension to use when using an external compressor.
--external-decompressor string command with arguments to use when decompressing a backup.
--external_topo_server Should vtcombo use an external topology server instead of starting its own in-memory topology server. If true, vtcombo will use the flags defined in topo/server.go to open topo server
--foreign_key_mode string This is to provide how to handle foreign key constraint in create/alter table. Valid values are: allow, disallow (default "allow")
--gate_query_cache_memory int gate server query cache size in bytes, maximum amount of memory to be cached. vtgate analyzes every incoming query and generate a query plan, these plans are being cached in a lru cache. This config controls the capacity of the lru cache. (default 33554432)
--gc_check_interval duration Interval between garbage collection checks (default 1h0m0s)
--gc_purge_check_interval duration Interval between purge discovery checks (default 1m0s)
--grpc-use-effective-groups If set, and SSL is not used, will set the immediate caller's security groups from the effective caller id's groups.
--grpc-use-static-authentication-callerid If set, will set the immediate caller id to the username authenticated by the static auth plugin.
--grpc_auth_mode string Which auth plugin implementation to use (eg: static)
--grpc_auth_mtls_allowed_substrings string List of substrings of at least one of the client certificate names (separated by colon).
--grpc_auth_static_password_file string JSON File to read the users/passwords from.
--grpc_bind_address string Bind address for gRPC calls. If empty, listen on all addresses.
--grpc_ca string server CA to use for gRPC connections, requires TLS, and enforces client certificate check
--grpc_cert string server certificate to use for gRPC connections, requires grpc_key, enables TLS
--grpc_crl string path to a certificate revocation list in PEM format, client certificates will be further verified against this file during TLS handshake
--grpc_enable_optional_tls enable optional TLS mode when a server accepts both TLS and plain-text connections on the same port
--grpc_enable_tracing Enable gRPC tracing.
--grpc_key string server private key to use for gRPC connections, requires grpc_cert, enables TLS
--grpc_max_connection_age duration Maximum age of a client connection before GoAway is sent. (default 2562047h47m16.854775807s)
--grpc_max_connection_age_grace duration Additional grace period after grpc_max_connection_age, after which connections are forcibly closed. (default 2562047h47m16.854775807s)
--grpc_max_message_size int Maximum allowed RPC message size. Larger messages will be rejected by gRPC with the error 'exceeding the max size'. (default 16777216)
--grpc_port int Port to listen on for gRPC calls. If zero, do not listen.
--grpc_prometheus Enable gRPC monitoring with Prometheus.
--grpc_server_ca string path to server CA in PEM format, which will be combine with server cert, return full certificate chain to clients
--grpc_server_initial_conn_window_size int gRPC server initial connection window size
--grpc_server_initial_window_size int gRPC server initial window size
--grpc_server_keepalive_enforcement_policy_min_time duration gRPC server minimum keepalive time (default 10s)
--grpc_server_keepalive_enforcement_policy_permit_without_stream gRPC server permit client keepalive pings even when there are no active streams (RPCs)
--grpc_server_keepalive_time duration After a duration of this time, if the server doesn't see any activity, it pings the client to see if the transport is still alive. (default 10s)
--grpc_server_keepalive_timeout duration After having pinged for keepalive check, the server waits for a duration of Timeout and if no activity is seen even after that the connection is closed. (default 10s)
--grpc_use_effective_callerid If set, and SSL is not used, will set the immediate caller id from the effective caller id's principal.
--health_check_interval duration Interval between health checks (default 20s)
--healthcheck_retry_delay duration health check retry delay (default 2ms)
--healthcheck_timeout duration the health check timeout period (default 1m0s)
--heartbeat_enable If true, vttablet records (if master) or checks (if replica) the current time of a replication heartbeat in the sidecar database's heartbeat table. The result is used to inform the serving state of the vttablet via healthchecks.
--heartbeat_interval duration How frequently to read and write replication heartbeat. (default 1s)
--heartbeat_on_demand_duration duration If non-zero, heartbeats are only written upon consumer request, and only run for up to given duration following the request. Frequent requests can keep the heartbeat running consistently; when requests are infrequent heartbeat may completely stop between requests
-h, --help help for vtcombo
--hot_row_protection_concurrent_transactions int Number of concurrent transactions let through to the txpool/MySQL for the same hot row. Should be > 1 to have enough 'ready' transactions in MySQL and benefit from a pipelining effect. (default 5)
--hot_row_protection_max_global_queue_size int Global queue limit across all row (ranges). Useful to prevent that the queue can grow unbounded. (default 1000)
--hot_row_protection_max_queue_size int Maximum number of BeginExecute RPCs which will be queued for the same row (range). (default 20)
--init_db_name_override string (init parameter) override the name of the db used by vttablet. Without this flag, the db name defaults to vt_<keyspacename>
--init_keyspace string (init parameter) keyspace to use for this tablet
--init_shard string (init parameter) shard to use for this tablet
--init_tablet_type string (init parameter) the tablet type to use for this tablet.
--init_tags StringMap (init parameter) comma separated list of key:value pairs used to tag the tablet
--init_timeout duration (init parameter) timeout to use for the init phase. (default 1m0s)
--jaeger-agent-host string host and port to send spans to. if empty, no tracing will be done
--json_topo vttest.TopoData vttest proto definition of the topology, encoded in json format. See vttest.proto for more information.
--keep_logs duration keep logs for this long (using ctime) (zero to keep forever)
--keep_logs_by_mtime duration keep logs for this long (using mtime) (zero to keep forever)
--keyspaces_to_watch strings Specifies which keyspaces this vtgate should have access to while routing queries or accessing the vschema.
--lameduck-period duration keep running at least this long after SIGTERM before stopping (default 50ms)
--lock-timeout duration Maximum time to wait when attempting to acquire a lock from the topo server (default 45s)
--lock_heartbeat_time duration If there is lock function used. This will keep the lock connection active by using this heartbeat (default 5s)
--lock_tables_timeout duration How long to keep the table locked before timing out (default 1m0s)
--log_backtrace_at traceLocations when logging hits line file:N, emit a stack trace
--log_dir string If non-empty, write log files in this directory
--log_err_stacks log stack traces for errors
--log_queries_to_file string Enable query logging to the specified file
--log_rotate_max_size uint size in bytes at which logs are rotated (glog.MaxSize) (default 1887436800)
--logtostderr log to standard error instead of files
--manifest-external-decompressor string command with arguments to store in the backup manifest when compressing a backup with an external compression engine.
--max-stack-size int configure the maximum stack size in bytes (default 67108864)
--max_concurrent_online_ddl int Maximum number of online DDL changes that may run concurrently (default 256)
--max_memory_rows int Maximum number of rows that will be held in memory for intermediate results as well as the final result. (default 300000)
--max_payload_size int The threshold for query payloads in bytes. A payload greater than this threshold will result in a failure to handle the query.
--message_stream_grace_period duration the amount of time to give for a vttablet to resume if it ends a message stream, usually because of a reparent. (default 30s)
--migration_check_interval duration Interval between migration checks (default 1m0s)
--mycnf-file string path to my.cnf, if reading all config params from there
--mycnf_bin_log_path string mysql binlog path
--mycnf_data_dir string data directory for mysql
--mycnf_error_log_path string mysql error log path
--mycnf_general_log_path string mysql general log path
--mycnf_innodb_data_home_dir string Innodb data home directory
--mycnf_innodb_log_group_home_dir string Innodb log group home directory
--mycnf_master_info_file string mysql master.info file
--mycnf_mysql_port int port mysql is listening on
--mycnf_pid_file string mysql pid file
--mycnf_relay_log_index_path string mysql relay log index path
--mycnf_relay_log_info_path string mysql relay log info path
--mycnf_relay_log_path string mysql relay log path
--mycnf_secure_file_priv string mysql path for loading secure files
--mycnf_server_id int mysql server id of the server (if specified, mycnf-file will be ignored)
--mycnf_slow_log_path string mysql slow query log path
--mycnf_socket_file string mysql socket file
--mycnf_tmp_dir string mysql tmp directory
--mysql-server-drain-onterm If set, the server waits for --onterm_timeout for already connected clients to complete their in flight work
--mysql-server-keepalive-period duration TCP period between keep-alives
--mysql-server-pool-conn-read-buffers If set, the server will pool incoming connection read buffers
--mysql-shell-backup-location string location where the backup will be stored
--mysql-shell-dump-flags string flags to pass to mysql shell dump utility. This should be a JSON string and will be saved in the MANIFEST (default "{\"threads\": 4}")
--mysql-shell-flags string execution flags to pass to mysqlsh binary to be used during dump/load (default "--defaults-file=/dev/null --js -h localhost")
--mysql-shell-load-flags string flags to pass to mysql shell load utility. This should be a JSON string (default "{\"threads\": 4, \"loadUsers\": true, \"updateGtidSet\": \"replace\", \"skipBinlog\": true, \"progressFile\": \"\"}")
--mysql-shell-should-drain decide if we should drain while taking a backup or continue to serving traffic
--mysql-shell-speedup-restore speed up restore by disabling redo logging and double write buffer during the restore process
--mysql-shutdown-timeout duration timeout to use when MySQL is being shut down. (default 5m0s)
--mysql_allow_clear_text_without_tls If set, the server will allow the use of a clear text password over non-SSL connections.
--mysql_auth_server_impl string Which auth server implementation to use. Options: none, ldap, clientcert, static, vault. (default "static")
--mysql_default_workload string Default session workload (OLTP, OLAP, DBA) (default "OLTP")
--mysql_port int mysql port (default 3306)
--mysql_server_bind_address string Binds on this address when listening to MySQL binary protocol. Useful to restrict listening to 'localhost' only for instance.
--mysql_server_flush_delay duration Delay after which buffered response will be flushed to the client. (default 100ms)
--mysql_server_port int If set, also listen for MySQL binary protocol connections on this port. (default -1)
--mysql_server_query_timeout duration mysql query timeout
--mysql_server_read_timeout duration connection read timeout
--mysql_server_require_secure_transport Reject insecure connections but only if mysql_server_ssl_cert and mysql_server_ssl_key are provided
--mysql_server_socket_path string This option specifies the Unix socket file to use when listening for local connections. By default it will be empty and it won't listen to a unix socket
--mysql_server_ssl_ca string Path to ssl CA for mysql server plugin SSL. If specified, server will require and validate client certs.
--mysql_server_ssl_cert string Path to the ssl cert for mysql server plugin SSL
--mysql_server_ssl_crl string Path to ssl CRL for mysql server plugin SSL
--mysql_server_ssl_key string Path to ssl key for mysql server plugin SSL
--mysql_server_ssl_server_ca string path to server CA in PEM format, which will be combine with server cert, return full certificate chain to clients
--mysql_server_tls_min_version string Configures the minimal TLS version negotiated when SSL is enabled. Defaults to TLSv1.2. Options: TLSv1.0, TLSv1.1, TLSv1.2, TLSv1.3.
--mysql_server_version string MySQL server version to advertise. (default "8.0.40-Vitess")
--mysql_server_write_timeout duration connection write timeout
--mysql_slow_connect_warn_threshold duration Warn if it takes more than the given threshold for a mysql connection to establish
--mysql_tcp_version string Select tcp, tcp4, or tcp6 to control the socket type. (default "tcp")
--mysqlctl_mycnf_template string template file to use for generating the my.cnf file during server init
--mysqlctl_socket string socket file to use for remote mysqlctl actions (empty for local actions)
--no_scatter when set to true, the planner will fail instead of producing a plan that includes scatter queries
--normalize_queries Rewrite queries with bind vars. Turn this off if the app itself sends normalized queries with bind vars. (default true)
--onclose_timeout duration wait no more than this for OnClose handlers before stopping (default 10s)
--onterm_timeout duration wait no more than this for OnTermSync handlers before stopping (default 10s)
--pid_file string If set, the process will write its pid to the named file, and delete it on graceful shutdown.
--planner-version string Sets the default planner to use when the session has not changed it. Valid values are: Gen4, Gen4Greedy, Gen4Left2Right
--pool_hostname_resolve_interval duration if set force an update to all hostnames and reconnect if changed, defaults to 0 (disabled)
--port int port for the server
--pprof strings enable profiling
--pprof-http enable pprof http endpoints
--proto_topo vttest.TopoData vttest proto definition of the topology, encoded in compact text format. See vttest.proto for more information.
--proxy_protocol Enable HAProxy PROXY protocol on MySQL listener socket
--proxy_tablets Setting this true will make vtctld proxy the tablet status instead of redirecting to them
--publish_retry_interval duration how long vttablet waits to retry publishing the tablet record (default 30s)
--purge_logs_interval duration how often try to remove old logs (default 1h0m0s)
--query-log-stream-handler string URL handler for streaming queries log (default "/debug/querylog")
--query-timeout int Sets the default query timeout (in ms). Can be overridden by session variable (query_timeout) or comment directive (QUERY_TIMEOUT_MS)
--querylog-buffer-size int Maximum number of buffered query logs before throttling log output (default 10)
--querylog-filter-tag string string that must be present in the query for it to be logged; if using a value as the tag, you need to disable query normalization
--querylog-format string format for query logs ("text" or "json") (default "text")
--querylog-mode string Mode for logging queries. "error" will only log queries that return an error. Otherwise all queries will be logged. (default "all")
--querylog-row-threshold uint Number of rows a query has to return or affect before being logged; not useful for streaming queries. 0 means all queries will be logged.
--querylog-sample-rate float Sample rate for logging queries. Value must be between 0.0 (no logging) and 1.0 (all queries)
--queryserver-config-acl-exempt-acl string an acl that exempt from table acl checking (this acl is free to access any vitess tables).
--queryserver-config-annotate-queries prefix queries to MySQL backend with comment indicating vtgate principal (user) and target tablet type
--queryserver-config-enable-table-acl-dry-run If this flag is enabled, tabletserver will emit monitoring metrics and let the request pass regardless of table acl check results
--queryserver-config-idle-timeout duration query server idle timeout, vttablet manages various mysql connection pools. This config means if a connection has not been used in given idle timeout, this connection will be removed from pool. This effectively manages number of connection objects and optimize the pool performance. (default 30m0s)
--queryserver-config-max-result-size int query server max result size, maximum number of rows allowed to return from vttablet for non-streaming queries. (default 10000)
--queryserver-config-message-postpone-cap int query server message postpone cap is the maximum number of messages that can be postponed at any given time. Set this number to substantially lower than transaction cap, so that the transaction pool isn't exhausted by the message subsystem. (default 4)
--queryserver-config-olap-transaction-timeout duration query server transaction timeout (in seconds), after which a transaction in an OLAP session will be killed (default 30s)
--queryserver-config-passthrough-dmls query server pass through all dml statements without rewriting
--queryserver-config-pool-conn-max-lifetime duration query server connection max lifetime, vttablet manages various mysql connection pools. This config means if a connection has lived at least this long, it connection will be removed from pool upon the next time it is returned to the pool.
--queryserver-config-pool-size int query server read pool size, connection pool is used by regular queries (non streaming, not in a transaction) (default 16)
--queryserver-config-query-cache-memory int query server query cache size in bytes, maximum amount of memory to be used for caching. vttablet analyzes every incoming query and generate a query plan, these plans are being cached in a lru cache. This config controls the capacity of the lru cache. (default 33554432)
--queryserver-config-query-pool-max-idle-count int query server query pool - maximum number of idle connections to retain in the pool. Use this to balance between faster response times during traffic bursts and resource efficiency during low-traffic periods.
--queryserver-config-query-pool-timeout duration query server query pool timeout, it is how long vttablet waits for a connection from the query pool. If set to 0 (default) then the overall query timeout is used instead.
--queryserver-config-query-timeout duration query server query timeout, this is the query timeout in vttablet side. If a query takes more than this timeout, it will be killed. (default 30s)
--queryserver-config-schema-change-signal query server schema signal, will signal connected vtgates that schema has changed whenever this is detected. VTGates will need to have -schema_change_signal enabled for this to work (default true)
--queryserver-config-schema-reload-time duration query server schema reload time, how often vttablet reloads schemas from underlying MySQL instance. vttablet keeps table schemas in its own memory and periodically refreshes it from MySQL. This config controls the reload time. (default 30m0s)
--queryserver-config-stream-buffer-size int query server stream buffer size, the maximum number of bytes sent from vttablet for each stream call. It's recommended to keep this value in sync with vtgate's stream_buffer_size. (default 32768)
--queryserver-config-stream-pool-max-idle-count int query server stream pool - maximum number of idle connections to retain in the pool. Use this to balance between faster response times during traffic bursts and resource efficiency during low-traffic periods.
--queryserver-config-stream-pool-size int query server stream connection pool size, stream pool is used by stream queries: queries that return results to client in a streaming fashion (default 200)
--queryserver-config-stream-pool-timeout duration query server stream pool timeout, it is how long vttablet waits for a connection from the stream pool. If set to 0 (default) then there is no timeout.
--queryserver-config-strict-table-acl only allow queries that pass table acl checks
--queryserver-config-terse-errors prevent bind vars from escaping in client error messages
--queryserver-config-transaction-cap int query server transaction cap is the maximum number of transactions allowed to happen at any given point of a time for a single vttablet. E.g. by setting transaction cap to 100, there are at most 100 transactions will be processed by a vttablet and the 101th transaction will be blocked (and fail if it cannot get connection within specified timeout) (default 20)
--queryserver-config-transaction-timeout duration query server transaction timeout, a transaction will be killed if it takes longer than this value (default 30s)
--queryserver-config-truncate-error-len int truncate errors sent to client if they are longer than this value (0 means do not truncate)
--queryserver-config-txpool-max-idle-count int query server transaction pool - maximum number of idle connections to retain in the pool. Use this to balance between faster response times during traffic bursts and resource efficiency during low-traffic periods.
--queryserver-config-txpool-timeout duration query server transaction pool timeout, it is how long vttablet waits if tx pool is full (default 1s)
--queryserver-config-warn-result-size int query server result size warning threshold, warn if number of rows returned from vttablet for non-streaming queries exceeds this
--queryserver-enable-views Enable views support in vttablet.
--queryserver_enable_online_ddl Enable online DDL. (default true)
--redact-debug-ui-queries redact full queries and bind variables from debug UI
--relay_log_max_items int Maximum number of rows for vreplication target buffering. (default 5000)
--relay_log_max_size int Maximum buffer size (in bytes) for vreplication target buffering. If single rows are larger than this, a single row is buffered at a time. (default 250000)
--remote_operation_timeout duration time to wait for a remote operation (default 15s)
--replication_connect_retry duration how long to wait in between replica reconnect attempts. Only precise to the second. (default 10s)
--restore-from-backup-allowed-engines strings (init restore parameter) if set, only backups taken with the specified engines are eligible to be restored
--restore-to-pos string (init incremental restore parameter) if set, run a point in time recovery that ends with the given position. This will attempt to use one full backup followed by zero or more incremental backups
--restore-to-timestamp string (init incremental restore parameter) if set, run a point in time recovery that restores up to the given timestamp, if possible. Given timestamp in RFC3339 format. Example: '2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00'
--restore_concurrency int (init restore parameter) how many concurrent files to restore at once (default 4)
--restore_from_backup (init restore parameter) will check BackupStorage for a recent backup at startup and start there
--restore_from_backup_ts string (init restore parameter) if set, restore the latest backup taken at or before this timestamp. Example: '2021-04-29.133050'
--retain_online_ddl_tables duration How long should vttablet keep an old migrated table before purging it (default 24h0m0s)
--sanitize_log_messages Remove potentially sensitive information in tablet INFO, WARNING, and ERROR log messages such as query parameters.
--schema-change-reload-timeout duration query server schema change reload timeout, this is how long to wait for the signaled schema reload operation to complete before giving up (default 30s)
--schema-version-max-age-seconds int max age of schema version records to kept in memory by the vreplication historian
--schema_change_signal Enable the schema tracker; requires queryserver-config-schema-change-signal to be enabled on the underlying vttablets for this to work (default true)
--schema_dir string Schema base directory. Should contain one directory per keyspace, with a vschema.json file if necessary.
--security_policy string the name of a registered security policy to use for controlling access to URLs - empty means allow all for anyone (built-in policies: deny-all, read-only)
--semi-sync-monitor-interval duration How frequently the semi-sync monitor checks if the primary is blocked on semi-sync ACKs (default 10s)
--service_map strings comma separated list of services to enable (or disable if prefixed with '-') Example: grpc-queryservice
--serving_state_grace_period duration how long to pause after broadcasting health to vtgate, before enforcing a new serving state
--shard_sync_retry_delay duration delay between retries of updates to keep the tablet and its shard record in sync (default 30s)
--shutdown_grace_period duration how long to wait for queries and transactions to complete during graceful shutdown. (default 3s)
--sql-max-length-errors int truncate queries in error logs to the given length (default unlimited)
--sql-max-length-ui int truncate queries in debug UIs to the given length (default 512) (default 512)
--srv_topo_cache_refresh duration how frequently to refresh the topology for cached entries (default 1s)
--srv_topo_cache_ttl duration how long to use cached entries for topology (default 1s)
--srv_topo_timeout duration topo server timeout (default 5s)
--start_mysql Should vtcombo also start mysql
--stats_backend string The name of the registered push-based monitoring/stats backend to use
--stats_combine_dimensions string List of dimensions to be combined into a single "all" value in exported stats vars
--stats_common_tags strings Comma-separated list of common tags for the stats backend. It provides both label and values. Example: label1:value1,label2:value2
--stats_drop_variables string Variables to be dropped from the list of exported variables.
--stats_emit_period duration Interval between emitting stats to all registered backends (default 1m0s)
--stderrthreshold severityFlag logs at or above this threshold go to stderr (default 1)
--stream_buffer_size int the number of bytes sent from vtgate for each stream call. It's recommended to keep this value in sync with vttablet's query-server-config-stream-buffer-size. (default 32768)
--stream_health_buffer_size uint max streaming health entries to buffer per streaming health client (default 20)
--table-refresh-interval int interval in milliseconds to refresh tables in status page with refreshRequired class
--table_gc_lifecycle string States for a DROP TABLE garbage collection cycle. Default is 'hold,purge,evac,drop', use any subset ('drop' implicitly always included) (default "hold,purge,evac,drop")
--tablet-filter-tags StringMap Specifies a comma-separated list of tablet tags (as key:value pairs) to filter the tablets to watch.
--tablet_dir string The directory within the vtdataroot to store vttablet/mysql files. Defaults to being generated by the tablet uid.
--tablet_filters strings Specifies a comma-separated list of 'keyspace|shard_name or keyrange' values to filter the tablets to watch.
--tablet_health_keep_alive duration close streaming tablet health connection if there are no requests for this long (default 5m0s)
--tablet_hostname string if not empty, this hostname will be assumed instead of trying to resolve it
--tablet_manager_grpc_ca string the server ca to use to validate servers when connecting
--tablet_manager_grpc_cert string the cert to use to connect
--tablet_manager_grpc_concurrency int concurrency to use to talk to a vttablet server for performance-sensitive RPCs (like ExecuteFetchAs{Dba,App}, CheckThrottler and FullStatus) (default 8)
--tablet_manager_grpc_connpool_size int number of tablets to keep tmclient connections open to (default 100)
--tablet_manager_grpc_crl string the server crl to use to validate server certificates when connecting
--tablet_manager_grpc_key string the key to use to connect
--tablet_manager_grpc_server_name string the server name to use to validate server certificate
--tablet_manager_protocol string Protocol to use to make tabletmanager RPCs to vttablets. (default "grpc")
--tablet_refresh_interval duration Tablet refresh interval. (default 1m0s)
--tablet_refresh_known_tablets Whether to reload the tablet's address/port map from topo in case they change. (default true)
--tablet_types_to_wait strings Wait till connected for specified tablet types during Gateway initialization. Should be provided as a comma-separated set of tablet types.
--tablet_url_template string Format string describing debug tablet url formatting. See getTabletDebugURL() for how to customize this. (default "http://{{.GetTabletHostPort}}")
--throttle_tablet_types string Comma separated VTTablet types to be considered by the throttler. default: 'replica'. example: 'replica,rdonly'. 'replica' always implicitly included (default "replica")
--topo_consul_lock_delay duration LockDelay for consul session. (default 15s)
--topo_consul_lock_session_checks string List of checks for consul session. (default "serfHealth")
--topo_consul_lock_session_ttl string TTL for consul session.
--topo_consul_watch_poll_duration duration time of the long poll for watch queries. (default 30s)
--topo_etcd_lease_ttl int Lease TTL for locks and leader election. The client will use KeepAlive to keep the lease going. (default 30)
--topo_etcd_tls_ca string path to the ca to use to validate the server cert when connecting to the etcd topo server
--topo_etcd_tls_cert string path to the client cert to use to connect to the etcd topo server, requires topo_etcd_tls_key, enables TLS
--topo_etcd_tls_key string path to the client key to use to connect to the etcd topo server, enables TLS
--topo_global_root string the path of the global topology data in the global topology server
--topo_global_server_address string the address of the global topology server
--topo_implementation string the topology implementation to use
--topo_read_concurrency int Maximum concurrency of topo reads per global or local cell. (default 32)
--topo_zk_auth_file string auth to use when connecting to the zk topo server, file contents should be <scheme>:<auth>, e.g., digest:user:pass
--topo_zk_base_timeout duration zk base timeout (see zk.Connect) (default 30s)
--topo_zk_max_concurrency int maximum number of pending requests to send to a Zookeeper server. (default 64)
--topo_zk_tls_ca string the server ca to use to validate servers when connecting to the zk topo server
--topo_zk_tls_cert string the cert to use to connect to the zk topo server, requires topo_zk_tls_key, enables TLS
--topo_zk_tls_key string the key to use to connect to the zk topo server, enables TLS
--tracer string tracing service to use (default "noop")
--tracing-enable-logging whether to enable logging in the tracing service
--tracing-sampling-rate float sampling rate for the probabilistic jaeger sampler (default 0.1)
--tracing-sampling-type string sampling strategy to use for jaeger. possible values are 'const', 'probabilistic', 'rateLimiting', or 'remote' (default "const")
--track-udfs Track UDFs in vtgate.
--track_schema_versions When enabled, vttablet will store versions of schemas at each position that a DDL is applied and allow retrieval of the schema corresponding to a position
--transaction-log-stream-handler string URL handler for streaming transactions log (default "/debug/txlog")
--transaction_limit_by_component Include CallerID.component when considering who the user is for the purpose of transaction limit.
--transaction_limit_by_principal Include CallerID.principal when considering who the user is for the purpose of transaction limit. (default true)
--transaction_limit_by_subcomponent Include CallerID.subcomponent when considering who the user is for the purpose of transaction limit.
--transaction_limit_by_username Include VTGateCallerID.username when considering who the user is for the purpose of transaction limit. (default true)
--transaction_limit_per_user float Maximum number of transactions a single user is allowed to use at any time, represented as fraction of -transaction_cap. (default 0.4)
--transaction_mode string SINGLE: disallow multi-db transactions, MULTI: allow multi-db transactions with best effort commit, TWOPC: allow multi-db transactions with 2pc commit (default "MULTI")
--truncate-error-len int truncate errors sent to client if they are longer than this value (0 means do not truncate)
--twopc_abandon_age time.Duration Any unresolved transaction older than this time will be sent to the coordinator to be resolved. NOTE: Providing time as seconds (float64) is deprecated. Use time.Duration format (e.g., '1s', '2m', '1h'). (default 15m0s)
--tx-throttler-config string Synonym to -tx_throttler_config (default "target_replication_lag_sec:2 max_replication_lag_sec:10 initial_rate:100 max_increase:1 emergency_decrease:0.5 min_duration_between_increases_sec:40 max_duration_between_increases_sec:62 min_duration_between_decreases_sec:20 spread_backlog_across_sec:20 age_bad_rate_after_sec:180 bad_rate_increase:0.1 max_rate_approach_threshold:0.9")
--tx-throttler-default-priority int Default priority assigned to queries that lack priority information (default 100)
--tx-throttler-dry-run If present, the transaction throttler only records metrics about requests received and throttled, but does not actually throttle any requests.
--tx-throttler-healthcheck-cells strings Synonym to -tx_throttler_healthcheck_cells
--tx-throttler-tablet-types strings A comma-separated list of tablet types. Only tablets of this type are monitored for replication lag by the transaction throttler. Supported types are replica and/or rdonly. (default replica)
--tx-throttler-topo-refresh-interval duration The rate that the transaction throttler will refresh the topology to find cells. (default 5m0s)
--tx_throttler_config string The configuration of the transaction throttler as a text-formatted throttlerdata.Configuration protocol buffer message. (default "target_replication_lag_sec:2 max_replication_lag_sec:10 initial_rate:100 max_increase:1 emergency_decrease:0.5 min_duration_between_increases_sec:40 max_duration_between_increases_sec:62 min_duration_between_decreases_sec:20 spread_backlog_across_sec:20 age_bad_rate_after_sec:180 bad_rate_increase:0.1 max_rate_approach_threshold:0.9")
--tx_throttler_healthcheck_cells strings A comma-separated list of cells. Only tabletservers running in these cells will be monitored for replication lag by the transaction throttler.
--unhealthy_threshold duration replication lag after which a replica is considered unhealthy (default 2h0m0s)
--unmanaged Indicates an unmanaged tablet, i.e. using an external mysql-compatible database
--v Level log level for V logs
-v, --version print binary version
--vmodule vModuleFlag comma-separated list of pattern=N settings for file-filtered logging
--vreplication-enable-http-log Enable the /debug/vrlog HTTP endpoint, which will produce a log of the events replicated on primary tablets in the target keyspace by all VReplication workflows that are in the running/replicating phase.
--vreplication-parallel-insert-workers int Number of parallel insertion workers to use during copy phase. Set <= 1 to disable parallelism, or > 1 to enable concurrent insertion during copy phase. (default 1)
--vreplication_copy_phase_duration duration Duration for each copy phase loop (before running the next catchup: default 1h) (default 1h0m0s)
--vreplication_copy_phase_max_innodb_history_list_length int The maximum InnoDB transaction history that can exist on a vstreamer (source) before starting another round of copying rows. This helps to limit the impact on the source tablet. (default 1000000)
--vreplication_copy_phase_max_mysql_replication_lag int The maximum MySQL replication lag (in seconds) that can exist on a vstreamer (source) before starting another round of copying rows. This helps to limit the impact on the source tablet. (default 43200)
--vreplication_experimental_flags int (Bitmask) of experimental features in vreplication to enable (default 7)
--vreplication_heartbeat_update_interval int Frequency (in seconds, default 1, max 60) at which the time_updated column of a vreplication stream when idling (default 1)
--vreplication_max_time_to_retry_on_error duration stop automatically retrying when we've had consecutive failures with the same error for this long after the first occurrence
--vreplication_net_read_timeout int Session value of net_read_timeout for vreplication, in seconds (default 300)
--vreplication_net_write_timeout int Session value of net_write_timeout for vreplication, in seconds (default 600)
--vreplication_replica_lag_tolerance duration Replica lag threshold duration: once lag is below this we switch from copy phase to the replication (streaming) phase (default 1m0s)
--vreplication_retry_delay duration delay before retrying a failed workflow event in the replication phase (default 5s)
--vreplication_store_compressed_gtid Store compressed gtids in the pos column of the sidecar database's vreplication table
--vschema-persistence-dir string If set, per-keyspace vschema will be persisted in this directory and reloaded into the in-memory topology server across restarts. Bookkeeping is performed using a simple watcher goroutine. This is useful when running vtcombo as an application development container (e.g. vttestserver) where you want to keep the same vschema even if developer's machine reboots. This works in tandem with vttestserver's --persistent_mode flag. Needless to say, this is neither a perfect nor a production solution for vschema persistence. Consider using the --external_topo_server flag if you require a more complete solution. This flag is ignored if --external_topo_server is set.
--vschema_ddl_authorized_users string List of users authorized to execute vschema ddl operations, or '%' to allow all users.
--vstream-binlog-rotation-threshold int Byte size at which a VStreamer will attempt to rotate the source's open binary log before starting a GTID snapshot based stream (e.g. a ResultStreamer or RowStreamer) (default 67108864)
--vstream_dynamic_packet_size Enable dynamic packet sizing for VReplication. This will adjust the packet size during replication to improve performance. (default true)
--vstream_packet_size int Suggested packet size for VReplication streamer. This is used only as a recommendation. The actual packet size may be more or less than this amount. (default 250000)
--vtctld_sanitize_log_messages When true, vtctld sanitizes logging.
--vtgate-config-terse-errors prevent bind vars from escaping in returned errors
--vtgate_grpc_ca string the server ca to use to validate servers when connecting
--vtgate_grpc_cert string the cert to use to connect
--vtgate_grpc_crl string the server crl to use to validate server certificates when connecting
--vtgate_grpc_key string the key to use to connect
--vtgate_grpc_server_name string the server name to use to validate server certificate
--vttablet_skip_buildinfo_tags string comma-separated list of buildinfo tags to skip from merging with --init_tags. each tag is either an exact match or a regular expression of the form '/regexp/'. (default "/.*/")
--wait_for_backup_interval duration (init restore parameter) if this is greater than 0, instead of starting up empty when no backups are found, keep checking at this interval for a backup to appear
--warming-reads-concurrency int Number of concurrent warming reads allowed (default 500)
--warming-reads-percent int Percentage of reads on the primary to forward to replicas. Useful for keeping buffer pools warm
--warming-reads-query-timeout duration Timeout of warming read queries (default 5s)
--warn_memory_rows int Warning threshold for in-memory results. A row count higher than this amount will cause the VtGateWarnings.ResultsExceeded counter to be incremented. (default 30000)
--warn_payload_size int The warning threshold for query payloads in bytes. A payload greater than this threshold will cause the VtGateWarnings.WarnPayloadSizeExceeded counter to be incremented.
--warn_sharded_only If any features that are only available in unsharded mode are used, query execution warnings will be added to the session
--watch_replication_stream When enabled, vttablet will stream the MySQL replication stream from the local server, and use it to update schema when it sees a DDL.
--xbstream_restore_flags string Flags to pass to xbstream command during restore. These should be space separated and will be added to the end of the command. These need to match the ones used for backup e.g. --compress / --decompress, --encrypt / --decrypt
--xtrabackup_backup_flags string Flags to pass to backup command. These should be space separated and will be added to the end of the command
--xtrabackup_prepare_flags string Flags to pass to prepare command. These should be space separated and will be added to the end of the command
--xtrabackup_root_path string Directory location of the xtrabackup and xbstream executables, e.g., /usr/bin
--xtrabackup_stream_mode string Which mode to use if streaming, valid values are tar and xbstream. Please note that tar is not supported in XtraBackup 8.0 (default "tar")
--xtrabackup_stripe_block_size uint Size in bytes of each block that gets sent to a given stripe before rotating to the next stripe (default 102400)
--xtrabackup_stripes uint If greater than 0, use data striping across this many destination files to parallelize data transfer and decompression
--xtrabackup_user string User that xtrabackup will use to connect to the database server. This user must have all necessary privileges. For details, please refer to xtrabackup documentation.