vtbackup #
vtbackup is a batch command to perform a single pass of backup maintenance for a shard.
Synopsis #
vtbackup is a batch command to perform a single pass of backup maintenance for a shard.
When run periodically for each shard, vtbackup can ensure these configurable policies:
There is always a recent backup for the shard.
Old backups for the shard are removed.
Whatever system launches vtbackup is responsible for the following:
Running vtbackup with similar flags that would be used for a vttablet and mysqlctld in the target shard to be backed up.
Provisioning as much disk space for vtbackup as would be given to vttablet. The data directory MUST be empty at startup. Do NOT reuse a persistent disk.
Running vtbackup periodically for each shard, for each backup storage location.
Ensuring that at most one instance runs at a time for a given pair of shard and backup storage location.
Retrying vtbackup if it fails.
Alerting human operators if the failure is persistent.
The process vtbackup follows to take a new backup has the following steps:
- Restore from the most recent backup.
- Start a mysqld instance (but no vttablet) from the restored data.
- Instruct mysqld to connect to the current shard primary and replicate any transactions that are new since the last backup.
- Ask the primary for its current replication position and set that as the goal for catching up on replication before taking the backup, so the goalposts don't move.
- Wait until replication is caught up to the goal position or beyond.
- Stop mysqld and take a new backup.
Aside from additional replication load while vtbackup's mysqld catches up on new transactions, the shard should be otherwise unaffected. Existing tablets will continue to serve, and no new tablets will appear in topology, meaning no query traffic will ever be routed to vtbackup's mysqld. This silent operation mode helps make backups minimally disruptive to serving capacity and orthogonal to the handling of the query path.
The command-line parameters to vtbackup specify a policy for when a new backup is needed, and when old backups should be removed. If the existing backups already satisfy the policy, then vtbackup will do nothing and return success immediately.
vtbackup [flags]
Options #
--allow_first_backup Allow this job to take the first backup of an existing shard.
--alsologtostderr log to standard error as well as files
--azblob_backup_account_key_file string Path to a file containing the Azure Storage account key; if this flag is unset, the environment variable VT_AZBLOB_ACCOUNT_KEY will be used as the key itself (NOT a file path).
--azblob_backup_account_name string Azure Storage Account name for backups; if this flag is unset, the environment variable VT_AZBLOB_ACCOUNT_NAME will be used.
--azblob_backup_buffer_size int The memory buffer size to use in bytes, per file or stripe, when streaming to Azure Blob Service. (default 104857600)
--azblob_backup_container_name string Azure Blob Container Name.
--azblob_backup_parallelism int Azure Blob operation parallelism (requires extra memory when increased -- a multiple of azblob_backup_buffer_size). (default 1)
--azblob_backup_storage_root string Root prefix for all backup-related Azure Blobs; this should exclude both initial and trailing '/' (e.g. just 'a/b' not '/a/b/').
--backup_engine_implementation string Specifies which implementation to use for creating new backups (builtin or xtrabackup). Restores will always be done with whichever engine created a given backup. (default "builtin")
--backup_storage_block_size int if backup_storage_compress is true, backup_storage_block_size sets the byte size for each block while compressing (default is 250000). (default 250000)
--backup_storage_compress if set, the backup files will be compressed. (default true)
--backup_storage_implementation string Which backup storage implementation to use for creating and restoring backups.
--backup_storage_number_blocks int if backup_storage_compress is true, backup_storage_number_blocks sets the number of blocks that can be processed, in parallel, before the writer blocks, during compression (default is 2). It should be equal to the number of CPUs available for compression. (default 2)
--bind-address string Bind address for the server. If empty, the server will listen on all available unicast and anycast IP addresses of the local system.
--builtinbackup-file-read-buffer-size uint read files using an IO buffer of this many bytes. Golang defaults are used when set to 0.
--builtinbackup-file-write-buffer-size uint write files using an IO buffer of this many bytes. Golang defaults are used when set to 0. (default 2097152)
--builtinbackup-incremental-restore-path string the directory where incremental restore files, namely binlog files, are extracted to. In k8s environments, this should be set to a directory that is shared between the vttablet and mysqld pods. The path should exist. When empty, the default OS temp dir is assumed.
--builtinbackup_mysqld_timeout duration how long to wait for mysqld to shutdown at the start of the backup. (default 10m0s)
--builtinbackup_progress duration how often to send progress updates when backing up large files. (default 5s)
--ceph_backup_storage_config string Path to JSON config file for ceph backup storage. (default "ceph_backup_config.json")
--compression-engine-name string compressor engine used for compression. (default "pargzip")
--compression-level int what level to pass to the compressor. (default 1)
--concurrency int (init restore parameter) how many concurrent files to restore at once (default 4)
--config-file string Full path of the config file (with extension) to use. If set, --config-path, --config-type, and --config-name are ignored.
--config-file-not-found-handling ConfigFileNotFoundHandling Behavior when a config file is not found. (Options: error, exit, ignore, warn) (default warn)
--config-name string Name of the config file (without extension) to search for. (default "vtconfig")
--config-path strings Paths to search for config files in. (default [<WORKDIR>])
--config-persistence-min-interval duration minimum interval between persisting dynamic config changes back to disk (if no change has occurred, nothing is done). (default 1s)
--config-type string Config file type (omit to infer config type from file extension).
--consul_auth_static_file string JSON File to read the topos/tokens from.
--db-credentials-file string db credentials file; send SIGHUP to reload this file
--db-credentials-server string db credentials server type ('file' - file implementation; 'vault' - HashiCorp Vault implementation) (default "file")
--db-credentials-vault-addr string URL to Vault server
--db-credentials-vault-path string Vault path to credentials JSON blob, e.g.: secret/data/prod/dbcreds
--db-credentials-vault-role-mountpoint string Vault AppRole mountpoint; can also be passed using VAULT_MOUNTPOINT environment variable (default "approle")
--db-credentials-vault-role-secretidfile string Path to file containing Vault AppRole secret_id; can also be passed using VAULT_SECRETID environment variable
--db-credentials-vault-roleid string Vault AppRole id; can also be passed using VAULT_ROLEID environment variable
--db-credentials-vault-timeout duration Timeout for vault API operations (default 10s)
--db-credentials-vault-tls-ca string Path to CA PEM for validating Vault server certificate
--db-credentials-vault-tokenfile string Path to file containing Vault auth token; token can also be passed using VAULT_TOKEN environment variable
--db-credentials-vault-ttl duration How long to cache DB credentials from the Vault server (default 30m0s)
--db_allprivs_password string db allprivs password
--db_allprivs_use_ssl Set this flag to false to make the allprivs connection to not use ssl (default true)
--db_allprivs_user string db allprivs user userKey (default "vt_allprivs")
--db_app_password string db app password
--db_app_use_ssl Set this flag to false to make the app connection to not use ssl (default true)
--db_app_user string db app user userKey (default "vt_app")
--db_appdebug_password string db appdebug password
--db_appdebug_use_ssl Set this flag to false to make the appdebug connection to not use ssl (default true)
--db_appdebug_user string db appdebug user userKey (default "vt_appdebug")
--db_charset string Character set/collation used for this tablet. Make sure to configure this to a charset/collation supported by the lowest MySQL version in your environment. (default "utf8mb4")
--db_conn_query_info enable parsing and processing of QUERY_OK info fields
--db_connect_timeout_ms int connection timeout to mysqld in milliseconds (0 for no timeout)
--db_dba_password string db dba password
--db_dba_use_ssl Set this flag to false to make the dba connection to not use ssl (default true)
--db_dba_user string db dba user userKey (default "vt_dba")
--db_erepl_password string db erepl password
--db_erepl_use_ssl Set this flag to false to make the erepl connection to not use ssl (default true)
--db_erepl_user string db erepl user userKey (default "vt_erepl")
--db_filtered_password string db filtered password
--db_filtered_use_ssl Set this flag to false to make the filtered connection to not use ssl (default true)
--db_filtered_user string db filtered user userKey (default "vt_filtered")
--db_flags uint Flag values as defined by MySQL.
--db_flavor string Flavor overrid. Valid value is FilePos.
--db_host string The host name for the tcp connection.
--db_port int tcp port
--db_repl_password string db repl password
--db_repl_use_ssl Set this flag to false to make the repl connection to not use ssl (default true)
--db_repl_user string db repl user userKey (default "vt_repl")
--db_server_name string server name of the DB we are connecting to.
--db_socket string The unix socket to connect on. If this is specified, host and port will not be used.
--db_ssl_ca string connection ssl ca
--db_ssl_ca_path string connection ssl ca path
--db_ssl_cert string connection ssl certificate
--db_ssl_key string connection ssl key
--db_ssl_mode SslMode SSL mode to connect with. One of disabled, preferred, required, verify_ca & verify_identity.
--db_tls_min_version string Configures the minimal TLS version negotiated when SSL is enabled. Defaults to TLSv1.2. Options: TLSv1.0, TLSv1.1, TLSv1.2, TLSv1.3.
--detach detached mode - run backups detached from the terminal
--disable-redo-log Disable InnoDB redo log during replication-from-primary phase of backup.
--emit_stats If set, emit stats to push-based monitoring and stats backends
--external-compressor string command with arguments to use when compressing a backup.
--external-compressor-extension string extension to use when using an external compressor.
--external-decompressor string command with arguments to use when decompressing a backup.
--file_backup_storage_root string Root directory for the file backup storage.
--gcs_backup_storage_bucket string Google Cloud Storage bucket to use for backups.
--gcs_backup_storage_root string Root prefix for all backup-related object names.
--grpc-dial-concurrency-limit int Maximum concurrency of grpc dial operations. This should be less than the golang max thread limit of 10000. (default 1024)
--grpc_auth_static_client_creds string When using grpc_static_auth in the server, this file provides the credentials to use to authenticate with server.
--grpc_compression string Which protocol to use for compressing gRPC. Default: nothing. Supported: snappy
--grpc_enable_tracing Enable gRPC tracing.
--grpc_initial_conn_window_size int gRPC initial connection window size
--grpc_initial_window_size int gRPC initial window size
--grpc_keepalive_time duration After a duration of this time, if the client doesn't see any activity, it pings the server to see if the transport is still alive. (default 10s)
--grpc_keepalive_timeout duration After having pinged for keepalive check, the client waits for a duration of Timeout and if no activity is seen even after that the connection is closed. (default 10s)
--grpc_max_message_size int Maximum allowed RPC message size. Larger messages will be rejected by gRPC with the error 'exceeding the max size'. (default 16777216)
--grpc_prometheus Enable gRPC monitoring with Prometheus.
-h, --help help for vtbackup
--incremental_from_pos string Position, or name of backup from which to create an incremental backup. Default: empty. If given, then this backup becomes an incremental backup from given position or given backup. If value is 'auto', this backup will be taken from the last successful backup position.
--init_db_name_override string (init parameter) override the name of the db used by vttablet
--init_db_sql_file string path to .sql file to run after mysql_install_db
--init_keyspace string (init parameter) keyspace to use for this tablet
--init_shard string (init parameter) shard to use for this tablet
--initial_backup Instead of restoring from backup, initialize an empty database with the provided init_db_sql_file and upload a backup of that for the shard, if the shard has no backups yet. This can be used to seed a brand new shard with an initial, empty backup. If any backups already exist for the shard, this will be considered a successful no-op. This can only be done before the shard exists in topology (i.e. before any tablets are deployed).
--keep-alive-timeout duration Wait until timeout elapses after a successful backup before shutting down.
--keep_logs duration keep logs for this long (using ctime) (zero to keep forever)
--keep_logs_by_mtime duration keep logs for this long (using mtime) (zero to keep forever)
--lock-timeout duration Maximum time to wait when attempting to acquire a lock from the topo server (default 45s)
--log_backtrace_at traceLocations when logging hits line file:N, emit a stack trace
--log_dir string If non-empty, write log files in this directory
--log_err_stacks log stack traces for errors
--log_rotate_max_size uint size in bytes at which logs are rotated (glog.MaxSize) (default 1887436800)
--logtostderr log to standard error instead of files
--manifest-external-decompressor string command with arguments to store in the backup manifest when compressing a backup with an external compression engine.
--min_backup_interval duration Only take a new backup if it's been at least this long since the most recent backup.
--min_retention_count int Always keep at least this many of the most recent backups in this backup storage location, even if some are older than the min_retention_time. This must be at least 1 since a backup must always exist to allow new backups to be made (default 1)
--min_retention_time duration Keep each old backup for at least this long before removing it. Set to 0 to disable pruning of old backups.
--mycnf-file string path to my.cnf, if reading all config params from there
--mycnf_bin_log_path string mysql binlog path
--mycnf_data_dir string data directory for mysql
--mycnf_error_log_path string mysql error log path
--mycnf_general_log_path string mysql general log path
--mycnf_innodb_data_home_dir string Innodb data home directory
--mycnf_innodb_log_group_home_dir string Innodb log group home directory
--mycnf_master_info_file string mysql master.info file
--mycnf_mysql_port int port mysql is listening on
--mycnf_pid_file string mysql pid file
--mycnf_relay_log_index_path string mysql relay log index path
--mycnf_relay_log_info_path string mysql relay log info path
--mycnf_relay_log_path string mysql relay log path
--mycnf_secure_file_priv string mysql path for loading secure files
--mycnf_server_id int mysql server id of the server (if specified, mycnf-file will be ignored)
--mycnf_slow_log_path string mysql slow query log path
--mycnf_socket_file string mysql socket file
--mycnf_tmp_dir string mysql tmp directory
--mysql-shell-backup-location string location where the backup will be stored
--mysql-shell-dump-flags string flags to pass to mysql shell dump utility. This should be a JSON string and will be saved in the MANIFEST (default "{\"threads\": 4}")
--mysql-shell-flags string execution flags to pass to mysqlsh binary to be used during dump/load (default "--defaults-file=/dev/null --js -h localhost")
--mysql-shell-load-flags string flags to pass to mysql shell load utility. This should be a JSON string (default "{\"threads\": 4, \"loadUsers\": true, \"updateGtidSet\": \"replace\", \"skipBinlog\": true, \"progressFile\": \"\"}")
--mysql-shell-should-drain decide if we should drain while taking a backup or continue to serving traffic
--mysql-shell-speedup-restore speed up restore by disabling redo logging and double write buffer during the restore process
--mysql-shutdown-timeout duration how long to wait for mysqld shutdown (default 5m0s)
--mysql_port int mysql port (default 3306)
--mysql_server_version string MySQL server version to advertise. (default "8.0.40-Vitess")
--mysql_socket string path to the mysql socket
--mysql_timeout duration how long to wait for mysqld startup (default 5m0s)
--opentsdb_uri string URI of opentsdb /api/put method
--port int port for the server
--pprof strings enable profiling
--pprof-http enable pprof http endpoints
--purge_logs_interval duration how often try to remove old logs (default 1h0m0s)
--remote_operation_timeout duration time to wait for a remote operation (default 15s)
--restart_before_backup Perform a mysqld clean/full restart after applying binlogs, but before taking the backup. Only makes sense to work around xtrabackup bugs.
--s3_backup_aws_endpoint string endpoint of the S3 backend (region must be provided).
--s3_backup_aws_min_partsize int Minimum part size to use, defaults to 5MiB but can be increased due to the dataset size. (default 5242880)
--s3_backup_aws_region string AWS region to use. (default "us-east-1")
--s3_backup_aws_retries int AWS request retries. (default -1)
--s3_backup_force_path_style force the s3 path style.
--s3_backup_log_level string determine the S3 loglevel to use from LogOff, LogDebug, LogDebugWithSigning, LogDebugWithHTTPBody, LogDebugWithRequestRetries, LogDebugWithRequestErrors. (default "LogOff")
--s3_backup_server_side_encryption string server-side encryption algorithm (e.g., AES256, aws:kms, sse_c:/path/to/key/file).
--s3_backup_storage_bucket string S3 bucket to use for backups.
--s3_backup_storage_root string root prefix for all backup-related object names.
--s3_backup_tls_skip_verify_cert skip the 'certificate is valid' check for SSL connections.
--security_policy string the name of a registered security policy to use for controlling access to URLs - empty means allow all for anyone (built-in policies: deny-all, read-only)
--sql-max-length-errors int truncate queries in error logs to the given length (default unlimited)
--sql-max-length-ui int truncate queries in debug UIs to the given length (default 512) (default 512)
--stats_backend string The name of the registered push-based monitoring/stats backend to use
--stats_combine_dimensions string List of dimensions to be combined into a single "all" value in exported stats vars
--stats_common_tags strings Comma-separated list of common tags for the stats backend. It provides both label and values. Example: label1:value1,label2:value2
--stats_drop_variables string Variables to be dropped from the list of exported variables.
--stats_emit_period duration Interval between emitting stats to all registered backends (default 1m0s)
--stderrthreshold severityFlag logs at or above this threshold go to stderr (default 1)
--tablet_manager_grpc_ca string the server ca to use to validate servers when connecting
--tablet_manager_grpc_cert string the cert to use to connect
--tablet_manager_grpc_concurrency int concurrency to use to talk to a vttablet server for performance-sensitive RPCs (like ExecuteFetchAs{Dba,App}, CheckThrottler and FullStatus) (default 8)
--tablet_manager_grpc_connpool_size int number of tablets to keep tmclient connections open to (default 100)
--tablet_manager_grpc_crl string the server crl to use to validate server certificates when connecting
--tablet_manager_grpc_key string the key to use to connect
--tablet_manager_grpc_server_name string the server name to use to validate server certificate
--tablet_manager_protocol string Protocol to use to make tabletmanager RPCs to vttablets. (default "grpc")
--topo_consul_lock_delay duration LockDelay for consul session. (default 15s)
--topo_consul_lock_session_checks string List of checks for consul session. (default "serfHealth")
--topo_consul_lock_session_ttl string TTL for consul session.
--topo_consul_watch_poll_duration duration time of the long poll for watch queries. (default 30s)
--topo_etcd_lease_ttl int Lease TTL for locks and leader election. The client will use KeepAlive to keep the lease going. (default 30)
--topo_etcd_tls_ca string path to the ca to use to validate the server cert when connecting to the etcd topo server
--topo_etcd_tls_cert string path to the client cert to use to connect to the etcd topo server, requires topo_etcd_tls_key, enables TLS
--topo_etcd_tls_key string path to the client key to use to connect to the etcd topo server, enables TLS
--topo_global_root string the path of the global topology data in the global topology server
--topo_global_server_address string the address of the global topology server
--topo_implementation string the topology implementation to use
--topo_read_concurrency int Maximum concurrency of topo reads per global or local cell. (default 32)
--topo_zk_auth_file string auth to use when connecting to the zk topo server, file contents should be <scheme>:<auth>, e.g., digest:user:pass
--topo_zk_base_timeout duration zk base timeout (see zk.Connect) (default 30s)
--topo_zk_max_concurrency int maximum number of pending requests to send to a Zookeeper server. (default 64)
--topo_zk_tls_ca string the server ca to use to validate servers when connecting to the zk topo server
--topo_zk_tls_cert string the cert to use to connect to the zk topo server, requires topo_zk_tls_key, enables TLS
--topo_zk_tls_key string the key to use to connect to the zk topo server, enables TLS
--upgrade-safe Whether to use innodb_fast_shutdown=0 for the backup so it is safe to use for MySQL upgrades.
--v Level log level for V logs
-v, --version print binary version
--vmodule vModuleFlag comma-separated list of pattern=N settings for file-filtered logging
--xbstream_restore_flags string Flags to pass to xbstream command during restore. These should be space separated and will be added to the end of the command. These need to match the ones used for backup e.g. --compress / --decompress, --encrypt / --decrypt
--xtrabackup_backup_flags string Flags to pass to backup command. These should be space separated and will be added to the end of the command
--xtrabackup_prepare_flags string Flags to pass to prepare command. These should be space separated and will be added to the end of the command
--xtrabackup_root_path string Directory location of the xtrabackup and xbstream executables, e.g., /usr/bin
--xtrabackup_stream_mode string Which mode to use if streaming, valid values are tar and xbstream. Please note that tar is not supported in XtraBackup 8.0 (default "tar")
--xtrabackup_stripe_block_size uint Size in bytes of each block that gets sent to a given stripe before rotating to the next stripe (default 102400)
--xtrabackup_stripes uint If greater than 0, use data striping across this many destination files to parallelize data transfer and decompression
--xtrabackup_user string User that xtrabackup will use to connect to the database server. This user must have all necessary privileges. For details, please refer to xtrabackup documentation.