Workflow update

vtctldclient Workflow update #

Update the configuration parameters for a VReplication workflow.

vtctldclient Workflow update

Examples #

vtctldclient --server localhost:15999 workflow --keyspace customer update --workflow commerce2customer --cells zone1 --cells zone2 -c "zone3,zone4" -c zone5

Options #

  -c, --cells strings              New Cell(s) or CellAlias(es) (comma-separated) to replicate from.
      --config-overrides strings   Specify one or more VReplication config flags to override as a comma-separated list of key=value pairs.
  -h, --help                       help for update
      --on-ddl string              New instruction on what to do when DDL is encountered in the VReplication stream. Possible values are IGNORE, STOP, EXEC, and EXEC_IGNORE.
      --shards strings             (Optional) Specifies a comma-separated list of shards to operate on.
  -t, --tablet-types strings       New source tablet types to replicate from (e.g. PRIMARY,REPLICA,RDONLY).
      --tablet-types-in-order      When performing source tablet selection, look for candidates in the type order as they are listed in the tablet-types flag. (default true)
  -w, --workflow string            The workflow you want to update.

Options inherited from parent commands #

      --action_timeout duration              timeout to use for the command (default 1h0m0s)
      --compact                              use compact format for otherwise verbose outputs
  -k, --keyspace string                      Keyspace context for the workflow.
      --server string                        server to use for the connection (required)
      --topo-global-root string              the path of the global topology data in the global topology server (default "/vitess/global")
      --topo-global-server-address strings   the address of the global topology server(s) (default [localhost:2379])
      --topo-implementation string           the topology implementation to use (default "etcd2")


  • vtctldclient Workflow - Administer VReplication workflows (Reshard, MoveTables, etc) in the given keyspace.