VTGate Buffering

VTGate in Vitess supports the buffering of queries in certain situations. The original intention of this feature was to reduce, not necessarily eliminate, downtime during planned fail overs PlannedReparentShard (PRS). VTGate has been extended to provide buffering in some additional fail over situations, e.g. during resharding.

Note that buffering is not intended for, nor active during, unplanned failovers or other unplanned issues with a PRIMARY tablet during normal operations. There are some new heuristics built in the keyspace_events implementation for scenarios where the PRIMARYis offline. However, you should not rely on these at this time.

Buffering can be somewhat involved, and there are a number of tricky edge cases. We will discuss these in the context of an application's experience, starting with the simplest case: that of buffering during a PRS (PlannedReparentShard) operation. Examples of various edge cases can be found in Buffering Scenarios.

The buffering feature is not guaranteed to eliminate errors sent to the application, but rather reduce them or make them less frequent. The application should still endeavor to handle errors appropriately if/when they occur (e.g. unplanned outages, planned failovers, VReplication migrations, etc.)

VTGate flags to enable buffering #

First, let us cover the flags that need to be set in VTGate to enable buffering:

  • --enable_buffer: Enables buffering. Not enabled by default
  • --enable_buffer_dry_run: Enable logging of if/when buffering would trigger, without actually buffering anything. Useful for testing. Default: false
  • --buffer_implementation: Default: keyspace_events. More consistent results have been seen with keyspace_events. However, if the legacy behavior is needed you may use healthcheck.
  • --buffer_size: Default: 1000 This should be sized to the appropriate number of expected request during a buffering event. Typically, if each connection has one request then, each connection will consume one buffer slot of the buffer_size and be put in a "pause" state as it is buffered on the vtgate. The resource consideration for setting this flag are memory resources.
  • --buffer_drain_concurrency: Default: 1. If the buffer is of any significant size, you probably want to increase this proportionally.
  • --buffer_keyspace_shards: Can be used to limit buffering to only certain keyspaces. Should not be necessary in most cases, defaults to watching all keyspaces.
  • --buffer_max_failover_duration: Default: 20s. If buffering is active longer than this set duration, stop buffering and return errors to the client.
  • --buffer_window: Default: 10s. The maximum time any individual request should be buffered for. Should probably be less than the value for --buffer_max_failover_duration. Adjust according to your application requirements. Be aware, if your MySQL client has write_timeout or read_timeout settings those values should be greater than the buffer_max_failover_duration.
  • --buffer_min_time_between_failovers: Default 1m. If consecutive fail overs for a shard happens within less than this duration, do not buffer again. The purpose of this setting is to avoid consecutive fail over events where vtgate may be buffering, but never purging the buffer.

Types of queries that can be buffered #

  • Only requests to tablets of type PRIMARY are buffered. In-flight requests to a REPLICA in the process of transitioning to PRIMARY because of a PRS should be unaffected, and do not require buffering.

What happens during a PlannedReparentShard with Buffering #

Fundamentally Vitess will:

  • Hold up and buffer any queries sent to the PRIMARY tablet for a shard.
  • Wait for replication on a primary candidate REPLICA to catch up to the current PRIMARY.
  • Perform the actions which demote the PRIMARY to a REPLICA and promote a primary candidate REPLICA to PRIMARY.
  • Drain the buffered queries to the new PRIMARY tablet.
  • Begin the countdown timer for buffer_max_failover_duration.

What happens during a MoveTables or Reshard SwitchTraffic or ReverseTraffic with Buffering #

Fundamentally Vitess will:

  • Hold up and buffer any queries sent to the tables (MoveTables) or shards (Reshard) for which traffic is being switched.
  • Perform the traffic switching work so that application traffic against the tables (MoveTables) or shards (Reshard) are transparently switched to the new keyspace (MoveTables) or shards (Reshard).
  • Drain the buffered queries to the new keyspace or shards — or if the switch failed then back to the original keyspace or shards.

How does it work? #

The following steps are considerably simplified, but to give a high level overview of how buffering works:

  • All buffering is done in vtgate
  • When a shard begins a fail over or resharding event, and a query is sent from vtgate to vttablet, vttablet will return a certain type of error to vtgate (vtrpcpb.Code_CLUSTER_EVENT).
  • This error indicates to vtgate that it is appropriate to buffer this request.
  • Separately the various timers associated with the flags above are being maintained to timeout and return errors to the application when appropriate, e.g. if an individual request was buffered for too long; or if buffering start "too long" ago.
  • When the failover is complete, and the tablet starts accepting queries again, we start draining the buffered queries, with a concurrency as indicated by the buffer_drain_concurrency value.
  • When the buffer is drained, the buffering is complete. We maintain a timer based on buffer_min_time_between_failovers to make sure we do not buffer again if another fail over starts within that period.

What the application sees #

When buffering executes as expected the application will see a pause in their query processing. Each query will consume a slot from the configured buffer_size and will be paused for the duration of buffer_window before errors are returned. Once the failover event completes, the buffer will begin to drain at a concurrency set by the buffer_drain_concurrency value. Next a countdown timer will start set by buffer_min_time_between_failovers. During this period any future buffers will be disabled. Once the buffer_min_time_between_failovers timer expires, buffering will be enabled once again.

Potential Errors #

Buffering was implemented to minimize downtime, but there is still potential for errors to occur, and your application should be configured to handle them appropriately. Below are a few errors which may occur:

Lost connection #

Error Number: 2013
Error Message: Lost connection to MySQL server during query (timed out)

Due to the nature of buffering and pausing your queries the MySQL client will see delays in their query request. If your client has a read_timeout or write_timeout set, the value should be greater than the buffer_window value set in vtgate.

Primary not serving #

Error Number: 1105
Error Message: target: ${KEYSPACE}.0.primary: primary is not serving, there is a reparent operation in progress

This is the most common error you will see in regards to buffering. You may get this result in the application for a variety of reasons:

  • enable_buffer is not configured; by default buffers are disabled.
  • enable_buffer_dry_run is configured to be true; no buffering actions are taken when this setting is enabled.
  • buffer_keyspace_shards is not configured for the keyspace on which the PRS event is being executed.
  • buffer_size is set to be lower than the number of incoming queries; any incoming request over the buffer_size will see this error.
  • A new buffering event occurs before the buffer_min_time_between_fail overs has expired.
  • buffer_max_failover_duration has been exceeded; buffering is discontinued and this error is returned.

Next Steps #

You may want to review the scenarios in Buffering Scenarios.