VTGate Tablet Balancer

VTGate Tablet Balancer #

When a VTGate routes a query and has multiple available tablets for a given shard / tablet type (e.g. REPLICA), it implements a balancing mechainsm to pick a candidate tablet to route to. At a high level, this process aims to maintain an even distribution of query load to each tablet, while preferentially routing to tablets in the same cell as the VTGate to reduce latency.

In other words, the balancer attempts to achieve two objectives:

  1. Balance the load across the available tablets
  2. Prefer a tablet in the same cell as the vtgate if possible

Default Policy #

The default behavior is a local cell affinity round robin policy.

This means that when routing a given query, all the available tablets are randomly shuffled while preferring tablets in the same cell as the VTGate. So if there is one or more available tablets in the same cell as the VTGate, the query will be routed to one of those tablet(s), otherwise it will randomly pick a tablet in another cell.

In many cases this approach suffices, since if there are a proportional number of local tablets in each cell to satisfy the inbound traffic to the vtgates in that cell, then in general the queries will be distributed evenly to each tablet.

Balancer Motivation #

However, in some topologies, a simple affinity algorithm does not effectively balance the load.

As a simple example:

Given three cells with vtgates, four replicas spread into those cells, where each vtgate receives an equal query share. If each routes only to its local cell, the tablets will be unbalanced since two of them receive 1/3 of the queries, but the two replicas in the same cell will only receive 1/6 of the queries.

  Cell A: 1/3 --> vtgate --> 1/3 => vttablet

  Cell B: 1/3 --> vtgate --> 1/3 => vttablet

  Cell C: 1/3 --> vtgate --> 1/6 => vttablet
                         \-> 1/6 => vttablet

Other topologies that can cause similar pathologies include cases where there may be cells containing replicas but no local vtgates, and/or cells that have only vtgates but no replicas.

For these topologies, the tabletBalancer proportionally assigns the output flow to each tablet, preferring the local cell where possible, but only as long as the global query balance is maintained.

Algorithm #

To accomplish this goal, the balancer is given:

  • The list of cells that receive inbound traffic to vtgates (from configuration)
  • The local cell where the vtgate exists (from configuration)
  • The set of tablets and their cells (learned from discovery)

The model assumes there is an equal probablility of a query coming from each vtgate cell, i.e. traffic is effectively load balanced between the cells with vtgates.

Given that information, the balancer builds a simple model to determine how much query load would go to each tablet if vtgate only routed to its local cell. Then if any tablets are unbalanced, it shifts the desired allocation away from the local cell preference in order to even out the query load.

Based on this global model, the vtgate then probabalistically picks a destination for each query to be sent and uses these weights to order the available tablets accordingly.

Assuming each vtgate is configured with and discovers the same information about the topology, and the input flow is balanced across the vtgate cells (as mentioned above), then each vtgate should come the the same conclusion about the global flows, and cooperatively should converge on the desired balanced query load.

Configuration #

To enable the balancer requires the following configuration:

  • --enable-balancer: Enables the balancer. Not enabled by default
  • --balancer-vtgate-cells: Specifies the set of cells that contain vtgates

Optionally this behavior can be restricted only when routing to certain keyspaces as a means of controlling rollout:

  • --balancer-keyspaces: Specifies the set of keyspaces for which the balancer should be enabled.