
vtctldclient AddCellInfo #

Registers a local topology service in a new cell by creating the CellInfo.

Synopsis #

Registers a local topology service in a new cell by creating the CellInfo with the provided parameters.

The address will be used to connect to the topology service, and Vitess data will be stored starting at the provided root.

vtctldclient AddCellInfo --root <root> [--server-address <addr>] <cell>

Options #

  -h, --help                    help for AddCellInfo
  -r, --root string             The root path the topology server will use for this cell.
  -a, --server-address string   The address the topology server will connect to for this cell.

Options inherited from parent commands #

      --action_timeout duration   timeout to use for the command (default 1h0m0s)
      --compact                   use compact format for otherwise verbose outputs
      --server string             server to use for the connection (required)


  • vtctldclient - Executes a cluster management command on the remote vtctld server.